
lunes, 13 de junio de 2016

ALERTA BIBLIOGRÁFICA: Documentos indizados en SCIE y SSCI de enero a mayo de 2016


Documentos indizados en el Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) y el Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) de enero a mayo de 2016

Compilada por Angel Bravo Vinaja

Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus San Luis Potosí.
Iturbide 73.  78622, Salinas de Hidalgo, Salinas, S. L. P. México.

Se listan 62 registros bibliográficos de documentos indizados en el Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) y el Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) de la Colección Principal del Web de la Ciencia (WOS) en los que participan como autores personal académico del Colegio de Postgraduados (Colpos). Los documentos fueron publicados en el periodo enero-mayo de 2016.
De este conjunto de registros se proporcionan seis indicadores bibliométricos (tipos de documentos, autoría, categorías de la ciencia JCR, revistas de publicación, colaboración interinstitucional y colaboración internacional) que proporcionan una mejor visión de la investigación realizada en el Colegio de Postgraduados.

Tipos de documentos publicados, e indizados en el SCIE y SSCI.
Tipos de documentos
No. de docs.

Número de documentos publicados por autor (se muestran los primeros 100 autores).

Número de documentos públicados en las revistas listadas en las principales categorías del Journal of Citation Reports (JCR).
Una revista puede haber publicado más de un documento y estar incluida en una o más categorías JCR (Se listan las 14 categorías JCR con más documentos).
Categoría JCR
No. de docs.
Categoría JCR
No. de docs.
Biotecnology Applied Microbiology
Agriculture Multidisciplinary
Veterinary Sciences
Genetics Heredity
Food Science Technology
Plant Sciences
Water Resources
Agriculture Dairy Animal Science

Revistas de Publicación
Se muestran todos los títulos, ordenados por las revistas con mayór número de documentos publicados. 

Número de documentos de las principales instituciones de pertenecia de los autores con más documentos publicados en colaboración con el Colpos.
No. de docs.
No. de docs.
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
University of California Davis
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Universidad Veracruzana
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Instituto Nacional de Ecología

Colaboración internacional. Número de documentos publicados con autores de otros países.

No. de docs.
Estados Unidos
No. de docs.

Los registros están ordenados por autor de acuerdo al estilo de referencias bibliográficas ISO 690-2 e incluyen:
·         Autor(es) Año(s)
·         Título del documento
·         Fuente, volúmen, número y año de publicación
·         URL persistente (Digital Object Identifier o DOI)
·         URL no persistente (página web)
·         Resumen y/o abstract


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Resumen: Los fertilizantes de liberación controlada se utilizan poco en los viveros forestales, principalmente porque se desconocen sus ventajas. El objetivo de este estudio fue probar la efectividad de tres fertilizantes de liberación controlada combinados con dos sustratos. Plantas de Pinus montezumae Lamb. Se obtuvieron en charolas de poliestireno, con tres dosis (4, 6 y 8 g L-1) de fertilizantes (Basacote ™ Plus, Multicote ™ y Osmocote ™ Plus) y dos sustratos: S1 (aserrín de pino compostado, corteza de pino compostada y vermiculita 70:15:15) y S2 (turba de musgo, perlita y vermiculita 60:20:20). El estudio se realizó con un arreglo factorial 2 X 3 X 3. Después de 9.5 meses de la siembra, el efecto por el sustrato, fertilizante y dosis, fue significativo en el diámetro del tallo, el peso seco aéreo, el peso de la raíz, el peso seco total y la relación del peso seco aéreo sobre el de la raíz. En el sustrato S1 los valores mayores se presentaron con la dosis de 8 g L-1 y en el sustrato S2 con las dosis 6 y 8 g L-1. La concentración de N, P y K en el follaje aumentó con el nivel de los fertilizantes. En 16 de los 18 tratamientos se obtuvieron plantas con diámetro medio mayor a 6 mm. Los fertilizantes retuvieron de 15 a 45 % de N, P, K; Basacote™ retuvo la cantidad mayor de éstos. En S2 con 8 g L-1 de Basacote, Multicote™, Osmocote™ las plantas tuvieron las características morfológicas recomendables para usarlas en una plantación y las concentraciones mayores de N, P y K en el follaje. La producción de plantas con calidad alta es posible mediante el uso de fertilizantes de liberación controlada combinados con turba de musgo o aserrín de pino.
Abstract: Controlled-release fertilizers are not frequently used in forest nurseries, mainly because their advantages are unknown. The objective of this study was to test the effectiveness of three controlled-release fertilizers combined with two substrates. Pinus montezumae Lamb. plants were grown in polystyrene trays with three dosages (4, 6 and 8 g L-1) of fertilizers (Basacote (TM) Plus, Multicote (TM) and Osmocote (TM) Plus) and two substrates: S1 (composted pine sawdust, composted pine bark and vermiculite 70:15:15) and S2 (peat moss, perlite and vermiculite 60:20:20). The study was conducted with a 2 X 3 X 3 factorial array. Nine and a half months after sowing, the effect of substrate, fertilizer and dosage on stem diameter, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, total dry weight and shoot/root ratio was significant. In substrate S1, the highest values occurred with the dosage 8 g L-1 and in substrate S2 with the dosages 6 and 8 g(-1) The concentration of N, P and K in foliage increased with the level of fertilisers. In 16 of the 18 treatments, mean stem diameters above 6 mm were obtained. The fertilizers retained 15 to 45 % N, P, K; Basacote (TM) retained the highest quantities of these elements. In S2 with 8 g Basacote (TM), Multicote (TM), Osmocote (TM), the plants had morphological characteristics recommended for use in plantations and the highest concentrations of N, P and K in foliage. Production of high quality plants is possible using controlled-release fertilizers combined with peat moss or pine sawdust.

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AGUADO-RODRÍGUEZ, Javier G., QUEVEDO-NOLASCO, Abel, CASTRO-POPOCA, Martiniano, ARTEAGA-RAMIREZ, Ramón, ALBERTO VAZQUEZ-PENA, M. y ZAMORA-MORALES, Patricia B., 2016, Meteorological variables prediction through arima models. Agrociencia. Feb. 2016. Vol. 50, no. 1, p. 1–13. URL:
Resumen: La predicción de las variables meteorológicas se aplica en la agricultura al predecir el consumo de agua de las plantas para planear la lámina de riego. En esta investigación se elaboró un programa para realizar la predicción de la temperatura, radiación solar, evapotranspiración de referencia y humedad relativa con modelos autorregresivos integrados de media móvil (ARIMA) y se probó la efectividad del programa para realizar la predicción en condiciones de alta y baja precipitación. Los periodos de predicción evaluados fueron en marzo y en junio de 2013 en tres estaciones meteorológicas automáticas (EMAS) del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN). El análisis de los resultados indicó que la predicción de las variables meteorológicas con modelos ARIMA fue mejor que con la predicción persistente en el periodo con condiciones de baja precipitación (marzo).
Abstract: Meteorological variables prediction is applied in agriculture to predict water uptake of plants for planning irrigation depths. In the present study a program was made for the prediction of temperature, solar radiation, reference evapotranspiration and relative humidity by means of autoregressive integrated mobile media models. The effectiveness of the program was tested for prediction under high and low rainfall conditions. The prediction periods evaluated were in March and in June, 2013, in three automatic meteorological stations (EMAS) of the National Meteorological Service (SMN). The analysis of results indicated that the prediction of meteorological variables with ARIMA models was better than with persistent prediction in the period with low rainfall conditions (March).

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ARECE-GARCÍA, Javier, LÓPEZ-LEYVA, Yoel, GONZÁALEZ-GARDUNO, Roberto, TORRES-HERNÁNDEZ, Glafiro, ROJO-RUBIO, Rolando y MARIE-MAGDELEINE, Carine, 2016, Effect of selective anthelmintic treatments on health and production parameters in Pelibuey ewes during lactation. Tropical Animal Health and Production. Feb. 2016. Vol. 48, no. 2, p. 283–287. DOI: 10.1007/s11250-015-0947-8.
Abstract: A study was conducted from December to April 2013, with the aim of evaluating a system of selective antiparasitic treatments using the FAMACHAA (c) color chart compared with a conventional suppressive deworming system every 30 days in Pelibuey ewes during lactation. For the study, 54 ewes were used. They were randomly divided into two groups: FAMACHA and chemical treatments. The ewes in the first group received selective treatment depending on the ocular mucosa coloration (FAMACHA) and body condition score (BCS), while in the second group (chemical) all the animals remained under routine deworming every 30 days. Fecal nematode egg counts, proportion of third-stage trichostrongylid larvae, body condition, coloration of the ocular mucosa, and packed cell volume in the ewes were determined, while in lambs only body weight (BW) was recorded. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in any of the studied variables between groups; however, the use of antiparasitic drugs was reduced during the experimental period in the FAMACHA group and no deaths of lambs or ewes were recorded. The results indicate that during the lactation of ewes, a strategy of selective treatments can be implemented without showing deterioration in major health and productive parameters of these animals.

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BAÑUELOS-HERNÁNDEZ, K. P., GARCÍA-NAVA, J. R., LEYVA-OVALLE, O. R., PEÑA-VALDIVIA, C. B. e YBARRA-MONCADA, M. C., 2016, Flowering stem storage of Heliconia psittacorumL. f. cv. Tropica. Postharvest Biology and Technology. Feb. 2016. Vol. 112, p. 159–169. DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2015.10.006.
Abstract: Heliconia psittacorum L. f. is a tropical flower species with high economic potential due to its diversity of shapes, colours and its long vase life. However, storage conditions (temperature and relative humidity; RH) for flower stems during transport is a particular issue to each cultivar determining duration of vase life. Flowering stems were obtained from a commercial plantation in Campo Grande, Iztaczoquitlan, Veracruz, Mexico. The variables evaluated over a 10 day storage period were: fresh weight, colour using the CIE model (L*, a*, b*), peroxidase activity (POX), respiratory intensity and ethylene. The temperature was in the range of 12-26 degrees C, RH between 37 and 90% and light between 0 and 150 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). A repeated measures experimental design for non-destructive variables was used and a completely randomized design for destructive variables. The conditions which best preserved the quality characteristics during the stem storage (alpha = 0.05) were: 15 degrees C, 63% RH and 0 mu mol m(-2) s(-1); 16 degrees C, 60% RH and 150 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) and 12 degrees C, 90% RH and 26 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). The average vase life (VL) was 6.6 days with 15 degrees C, 63% RH and 0 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) and total postharvest longevity (TPL) was 16.6 days. In contrast the control treatment had a VL of 2.5 days and a TPL of 12.5 days (24 +/- 2 degrees C, 60 +/- 5% RH and 10 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)). The presence of leaves increased the respiration, but there was no significant release of ethylene, hence, storage treatments did not affect the ethylene production. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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BARRERA-RUIZ, Uriel M., CIBRIAN-TOVAR, David, LLANDERAL-CAZARES, María C. M., CIBRIAN-LLANDERAL, Víctor D. y LAGUNES-TEJEDA, Angel, 2016, Chemical combat of gall wasps Andricus quercuslaurinus Melika & Pujade-Villar (Cynipidae) in Quercus affinis Scheidw. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente. Ago 2016. Vol. 22, no. 2, p. 115–123. DOI: 10.5154/r.rchscfa.2015.05.020.
Resumen: Andricus quercuslaurinus Melika y Pujade-Villar (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) es una avispa agalladora de ramas (generación asexual) y hojas (generación sexual) del encino Quercus affinis Scheidw. en Acaxochitlán, Hidalgo, México. Las infestaciones severas en ramas causan retraso del crecimiento y, eventualmente, la mortalidad de árboles que tienen niveles altos de daño. En este trabajo se evaluó la efectividad de los insecticidas Imidacloprid, Espirotetramat, Acefato y Abamectina aplicados mediante aspersión foliar sobre la población de avispas adultas que ovipositan en las hojas, así como sobre los huevos y larvas en las agallas. El Acefato evitó la oviposición sobre el follaje tratado. El menor número de agallas se encontró en los árboles tratados con Acefato; además, no tuvieron larvas. Por otra parte, el Espirotetramat no había sido evaluado para el control de cinípidos y junto con el Imidacloprid fueron efectivos para reducir la supervivencia de huevos y larvas. La aspersión de los insecticidas Acefato (1.20 kg·ha-1), Espirotetramat (0.75 L·ha-1) e Imidacloprid (1.00 L·ha-1) al follaje de Q. affinis son opciones a considerar para el control de A. quercuslaurinus, debido a los efectos significativos (P = 0.05) en la mortalidad de huevos con respecto al testigo.
Abstract: Andricus quercuslaurinus Melika & Pujade-Villar (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) is a gall wasp from the branches (asexual reproduction) and leaves (sexual reproduction) of the Quercus affinis Scheidw. oak in Acaxochitlan, Hidalgo, Mexico. Severe infestations on the leaves cause a delay in growth and, given time, the death of trees with large levels of damage. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the pesticides Imidacloprid, Spirotetramat, Acephate and Abamectin when applied through foliar spray on the adult population of wasps that oviposit on the leaves, as well as on the eggs and larvae of the oak galls. Acephate prevented oviposition on the treated foliage. The least number of oak galls was found on the trees treated with Acephate; furthermore, they had no larvae. On the other hand, Spirotetramat had not been evaluated for the control of Cynipidae; alongside Imidacloprid, these pesticides were effective in reducing the survival of eggs and larvae. Spraying the pesticides Acephate (1.20 kg.ha(-1)), Spirotetramat (0.75 L.ha(-1)), and Imidacloprid (1.00 L.ha(-1)) on Q. affinis foliage are options to be considered for the control of A. quercuslaurinus given their significant effects (P = 0.05) on the mortality of the eggs with regard to the control.

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BARROZO-AKE, Hanzel J., CIBRIAN-TOVAR, Juan, SEGURA-LEON, Obdulia L. y AZUARA-DOMINGUEZ, Ausencio, 2016, Population Fluctuation and Effectiveness of the Mexican Rice Borer, Eoreuma loftini, Pheromone as Attractant at Morelos, Mexico. Southwestern Entomologist. Mar. 2016. Vol. 41, no. 1, p. 21–26. URL: DOI: 10.3958/059.041.0104
Resumen: Con la finalidad de describir la fluctuación poblacional y cuantificar el tiempo efectivo como atrayente de la feromona de Eoreuma loftini, fueron establecidos dos experimentos en caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. L.) en Morelos, México. En el experimento 1 se colocaron al azar ocho trampas que contenían la feromona de E. loftini, mientras que en el experimento 2 fueron evaluados tres tratamientos remplazando la feromona sexual a los 30, 60, y 90 días después de ser colocada en campo. Durante el desarrollo del cultivo se observó un pico poblacional el 21 de mayo de 2013. Así mismo, se determinó que la duración de la feromona de E. loftini como atrayente es aceptable en los primeros 30 días de ser colocada en campo.
Abstract: To describe fluctuations in abundance and measure the effectiveness of the pheromone of Eoreuma loftini (Dyar), two experiments were done in a field of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. L.) at Morelos, Mexico. In the first experiment, eight traps containing E. loftini pheromone were placed randomly in the sugarcane field. The second experiment consisted of three treatments involving replacement of the sex pheromones at 30, 60, and 90 days. A population peak was observed on 21 May 2013, during the development of the crop. It was concluded that E. loftini sex pheromone was effective as an attractant for 30 days.

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BAUTISTA, Y., NARCISO, C., PRO, A., HERNANDEZ, A. S., BECERRIL, C. M., SOSA, E. y VELASCO, J., 2016, Effect of heat stress and holding time ante-mortem on the physicochemical and quality characteristics of chicken meat. Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria. 2016. Vol. 48, no. 1, p. 89–97. DOI: 10.4067/S0301-732X2016000100011
Resumen: The effect of heat stress and holding time was evaluated before slaughter in the development of rigor mortis and physicochemical characteristics of meat in chicken Pectoralis major. The treatments were: two and eight hour holding before slaughter at temperature 24 degrees C (2HE24C, 8HE24C) and two hours holding before slaughter at 40 degrees C (2HE40C). For the rigor mortis development were measured the pH, color indices L*, a* and b* at 0.25, 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, 96 and 144 h in 90 chickens. For the physicochemical characteristics, and other 90 chickens were slaughtered and the pH, color, water holding capacity (WHC), drip lost (DL), shear force (SF) and cook yield (CY) in meat were measured at 24 hours post mortem. The pH and indices measured color over time showed differences between treatments (P < 0.05). The physicochemical characteristics showed differences between treatment (P < 0.05) with a higher DL, lower WHC and PC, harder texture, low pH and rates of L* and b* being high for the meat of 2HE40C, while the opposite happened with the meat of 8HE24C. When broilers are subjected to heat stress conditions, a pale, soft, and exudative (PSE) meat is obtained, and long waiting induces dark, firm, and dry (DFD) meat. The holding time prior to slaughter of 2 h at room temperature does not adversely affect the quality of the meat.

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BAUTISTA MARTINEZ, Nestor, ILLESCAS RIQUELME, Carlos Patricio y JONES, Robert W., 2016, Cylindrocopturus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Conoderinae) species associated with Opuntia (Caryophyllales: Cactaceae) species. Florida Entomologist. Mar. 2016. Vol. 99, no. 1, p. 126–127. DOI: 10.1653/024.099.0125
Resumen: En Sep 2013, productores de nopal en Teotihuacán, México, reportaron escurrimientos de resina que emergían de la base de las espinas de cladodios maduros. Se colectaron cladodios con síntomas y emergieron los picudos Cylindrocopturus biradiatus Champion y Cylindrocopturus ganglbaueri Heller (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). El presente trabajo confirma la presencia de ambas especies, además proporciona ilustraciones y descripciones para su diagnosis.
Summary: In Sep 2013, nopal growers in Teotihuacan, Mexico, reported resinous secretions emerging from the base of the spines of mature cladodes. Cladodes with symptoms were collected, and the weevil species Cylindrocopturus biradiatus Champion and Cylindrocopturus ganglbaueri Heller (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) emerged. This work confirms the presence of both species, and it provides illustrations and descriptions for their diagnosis.

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CASO BARRERA, Laura y ALIPHAT FERNANDEZ, Mario M., 2016, From Old Colonial Territories to New Republican Frontiers: The War of the Castes and the Boundaries of the Southwest of Mexico, 1821-1893. Historia Critica. Mar 2016. No. 59, p. 81–100. DOI: 10.7440/histcrit59.2016.05.
Resumen: Through the analysis of archival material, mainly cartographic, this article explores the processes of territorial delimitation between the province of Yucatan and El Peten, as well as of the region then occupied by the British (present-day Belize). The elaboration of reports and maps for the establishment of limits and borders between provinces, and later between nation states, reflects the policies of those states regarding the establishment of their territories. In this context it studies the impact that the indigenous uprising known as the War of the Castes had on the process of establishing limits and borders.

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CID DEL PRADO-VERA, Ignacio, FERRIS, Howard y NADLER, Steven A., 2016, Five new species of the family Trischistomatidae (Nematoda: Enoplida) from North and Central America, with keys to the species of Trischistoma and Tripylina. Zootaxa. 6 Mayo 2016. Vol. 4109, no. 2, p. 173–197. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4109.2.4
Resumen: Three new species of Trischistoma and two new species of Tripylina (Trischistomatidae) are described. Trischistoma ripariana n. sp. was collected in the surface organic material and upper rhizosphere soil on a stream bank in Oakville, California, USA. It is characterized by a short, thin body, the vulva at 79-83%, a small index c (17-29) and a short tail, 34-57 mu m. Trischistoma corticulensis n. sp. was found in moss on tree bark in a tropical forest at the La Mancha Ecological Institute, Veracruz State, Mexico. The vulva is at 67-73% and the tail is elongate conoid (51-84 mu m). Trischistoma helicoformis n. sp. was collected on lichen growing on tree bark near the Carretera Interamericana in Costa Rica. It is characterized by its spiral shape after fixation, the tail length (76-101 mu m), a very small index c (10-14.5) and very small sclerotised pieces around the vagina. Tripylina rorkabanarum n. sp. was collected from moss on tree bark in a tropical forest at the La Mancha Ecological Institute. It is characterized by the presence of two cervical setae, the position of the subventral teeth posterior to the dorsal tooth, the absence of sclerotized pieces around the vagina and the distance of the dorsal tooth from the anterior, 10-15 mu m. Tripylina iandrassyi n. sp. was collected from soil around a banana tree at the La Mancha Ecological Institute. It is characterized by the presence of a post-uterine sac, well-developed buccal lips, subventral teeth located posterior to the dorsal tooth, one cervical seta in females and two in males, and by spicules not completely surrounded by a muscular sheath.

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CID DEL PRADO-VERA, Ignacio, FERRIS, Howard y NADLER, Steven A., 2016, Five new species of the genus Tripylella (Nematoda: Enoplida: Tripylidae). Zootaxa. Mayo 2016. Vol. 4109, no. 2, p. 198–217. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.2.5
Resumen: Five new species of the genus Tripylella are described, two from Mexico, one from Fatima, Portugal, one from Quito, Ecuador, and one from California, USA. Tripylella mexicana sp. n. is characterized by its short body (average 0.74 mm), short pharynx (average 161 mu m), short tail (average 117 mu m), presence of an excretory pore and small setae distributed sparsely along the body, the presence of body pores, the posterior position of the subventral teeth in relation to the small dorsal tooth with all teeth in contiguous stomal chambers, the finely-striated cuticle with many anastomoses, the non-protruding vulval lips, and the presence of sclerotized pieces in the vulval region. Tripylella muscusi sp. n. is characterized by its body length (average 0.94 mm), pharynx length (average 201 mu m), tail length (average 140 mu m), the anterior position of the subventral teeth in relation to the small dorsal tooth in a single stomal chamber, the presence of an excretory pore, the presence of body pores and sparse somatic setae, the finely-striated cuticle with sparse anastomoses, protruding vulval lips and sclerotized oval-shaped pieces present in the vulval region. Tripylella quitoensis sp. n. is characterized by the short body length (average 0.72 mm), the short outer labial setae, the short pharynx (average 175 mu m), the location of the anterior subventral teeth and posterior dorsal tooth in the same stomal chamber, the short tail (average 98 mu m), the apparent absence of an excretory pore, presence of body pores, presence of somatic setae, a finely-striated cuticle, non-protruding vulval lips, and very small oval sclerotized pieces in the vulva. Tripylella fatimaensis sp. n. is characterized by the short body, (average 0.74 mm) long, by the length of the pharynx (average 180 mu m), the length of the tail (average 110 mu m) and in the length of its reduced diameter portion, 45-58 mu m, the presence of an excretory pore, body pores and three pairs of caudal setae (one pair each latero-ventral, latero-dorsal and ventral). Tripylella dentata sp. n. is characterized, and differs from all the species of the genus, by the presence of two adjacent stomal chambers, with two large teeth, one dorsal and one ventral, in the posterior stomal chamber and two subventral teeth in the anterior smaller chamber, short body (average 0.85 mm), pharynx length (average 209 mu m), tail length (average 115 mu m), the apparent absence of an excretory pore, the presence of two cervical setae in a lateral position, and by the presence of conspicuous pores along the body.

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CONTRERAS-RENDON, Alejandra, TARIN GUTIERREZ-IBANEZ, Ana, VICTORIA SILVA-ROJAS, Hilda, RICARDO SANCHEZ-PALE, Jesus, LAGUNA-CERDA, Antonio y FRANCISCO RAMIREZ-DAVILA, Jose, 2016, Spatial Distribution of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum and Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Southwestern Entomologist. Mar. 2016. Vol. 41, no. 1, p. 105–114.
Resumen: La enfermedad de Zebra chip afecta la producción de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) en México y sur de Estados Unidos. Esta enfermedad se ha asociado con la bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum, transmitida por el psílido Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc). Su control se basa en aplicaciones de insecticidas sobre las parcelas, debido a que se desconoce la forma en que se distribuye espacialmente la enfermedad y su vector. En este estudio se determinó la distribución espacial de B. cockerelli y Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum con técnicas geoestadísticas y la detección de la bacteria mediante técnicas moleculares. Al final del ciclo del cultivo los centros de agregación de esta enfermedad no coincidieron con los tres estadios del insecto ya que la agregación del adulto se presentó en plantas asintomáticas. La incidencia de la enfermedad en una parcela fue de 57%, mientras que en la otra 45%. En la parcela con menor incidencia, de 66 plantas asintomáticas en 11 se detectó la presencia de la bacteria. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, la distribución de Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum y B. cockerelli presentaron diferentes tipos de agregación. Los centros de agregación de la bacteria y el insecto no se presentaron en el mismo punto, lo que sugiere que las diferentes alternativas de manejo del insecto, no implican el control de la bacteria. Además indica la presencia de infestaciones previas del vector, o bien la existencia de la bacteria en la semilla utilizada.
Abstract: Zebra chip disease affects the production of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Mexico and the southern United States. This disease has been associated with the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum and is vectored by the psyllid Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc). Its control is based on broadcast applications of insecticide because the distribution of the disease and its vector is unknown. In this study we determined the spatial distribution of B. cockerelli and Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum with geostatistical techniques and detection of bacterium by molecular techniques. At the end of the crop season, the centers and aggregation of this disease did not coincide with the three stages of the insect, because adults were aggregated in asymptomatic plants. The disease incidence in plot 1 was 57%, whereas in plot 2 it was 45%. In plot 2, the bacterium was detected in 11 of 66 asymptomatic plants. According to the results, the distribution of Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum and B. cockerelli presented different types of aggregation. Centers of aggregation of bacterium and the insect did not occur at the same point.

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CORONEL-ROBLES, U., ORTEGA-CERRILLA, M. E., MENDOZA-MARTINEZ, G. D., ZETINA-CORDOBA, P., TORRES-ESQUEDA, M. T. S., MUNGUIA-AMECA, G. y TECO-JACOME, M. V., 2016, Productive response and progesterone concentration in holstein heifers supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae(1077) or Saccharomyces boulardii(1079). Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. Feb. 2016. Vol. 26, no. 1, p. 17–24. URL:
Resumen: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of supplementating 10 g/animal/day of Saccharomyces cerevisiae(1077) (SC1077) or Saccharomyces boulardii(1079) (SB1079) on dry matter intake (DMI), daily weight gain (DWG), feed efficiency (F:G), in vivo digestibility, pH, and rumen ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration in rumen liquor, as well as progesterone concentration (P-4). Twenty four, six-month old, Holstein heifers were randomly assigned to three treatments (n=8): (T-1: Control; T-2:10 g/animal/day of SC1077; T-3:10 g/animal/day of SB1079). Samples of rumen liquor were taken at 60, 120 and 180 d of the experiment to determine pH and ammonia nitrogen. Determination of in vivo digestibility of DM, NDF, ADF and N was carried out 14 days before the of 60, 120, and 180 d periods. Blood samples were taken to measure P-4 concentration. No differences (P > 0.05) were found for DMI, DWG, and F:G from supplementing with S. cerevisiae. Similarly, no differences were reported for rumen pH and rumen NH3-N concentration were not affected (P > 0.05), and in vivo digestibility of DM, NDF, ADF and N (P > 0.05). The P-4 concentration was similar (P > 0.05) among the treatments. It is concluded that supplementing Holstein heifers with SC1077 and SB1079 did not improve heifers performance nor modified the progesterone concentration.

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CRUZ-CARDENAS, Gustavo, LOPEZ-MATA, Lauro, SILVA, Jose T., BERNAL-SANTANA, Nelly, ESTRADA-GODOY, Francisco y LOPEZ-SANDOVAL, Jose A., 2016, Potential distribution model of Pinaceae species under climate change scenarios in Michoacan. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente. Ago. 2016. Vol. 22, no. 2, p. 135–148. DOI: 10.5154/r.rchscfa.2015.06.027.
Resumen: Michoacán es el quinto estado con mayor diversidad de especies vegetales, sobresaliendo por su riqueza en familias, géneros y especies de la flora arbórea en México. Por lo anterior, en este trabajo se evaluó la distribución potencial de 12 especies de Pinaceae en condiciones actuales y escenarios futuros de cambio climático, mediante modelos de nicho ecológico. Se utilizaron datos del clima actual, de escenarios futuros, de propiedades de suelos y el modelo digital de elevación como predictores ambientales. El modelado se realizó con el software Maxent, 75 % de los datos de presencia de las especies se utilizó para el entrenamiento de los modelos y el 25 % restante para su validación. Los grids de salida se clasificaron en tres categorías de áreas para la distribución de las especies: no idónea, marginal e idónea. Los modelos muestran que habrá una disminución de 16 y 40 % de áreas idóneas en los horizontes 2015-2039 y 2075-2099, respectivamente. Las especies más afectadas en la reducción de su distribución serán Abies religiosa, Pinus leiophylla y Pinus teocote.
Abstract: Michoacan is the fifth state with the greatest diversity of plant species, excelling due to its richness in families, genera and species of flowering trees in Mexico. Therefore, in this paper the potential distribution of 12 species of Pinaceae was evaluated in current conditions and future climate change scenarios through ecological niche models. Data on the current climate, future scenarios, soil properties and digital elevation model were used as environmental predictors. The modeling was done using the Maxent software. 75 % of the data on the species presence was used for the training of the models and the remaining 25 % for model validation. The output grids were classified into three categories of area for the species distribution: unsuitable, marginal and suitable. The models show that there will be a 1.6 to 40 % decrease in suitable areas in the 2015-2039 and 2075-2099 periods, respectively. The species most affected by the decrease in their distribution will be Abies religiosa, Pinus leiophylla and Pinus teocote.

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DELGADO-GARCIA, Elsy María, CIBRIAN-TOVAR, Juan, MANUEL GONZALEZ-CAMACHO, Juan, VALDEZ-CARRASCO, Jorge, PALEMON TERAN-VARGAS, Antonio y AZUARA-DOMINGUEZ, Ausencio, 2016, Morphological Characterization of the Antennal Sensilla of Rhyssomatus nigerrimus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Southwestern Entomologist. Mar. 2016. Vol. 41, no. 1, p. 225–240. DOI: 10.3958/059.041.0120.
Resumen: El picudo de la soya, Rhyssomatus nigerrimus Fahraeus, es un insecto que daña plantaciones comerciales de soya, Glycine max (L.) Merr. Este curculiónido al igual que otros insectos posee, en sus antenas una diversidad de sensilas que le sirven para localizar a la pareja, alimento y sitios de ovoposición. En el presente estudio se describe la morfología de las antenas y sensilas de R. nigerrimus, mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados indican que las antenas de ambos sexos están formadas por un escapo, un pedicelo y un flagelo de nueve segmentos. Los últimos tres segmentos se observan estrechamente unidos formando la maza antenal. En el escapo se encontraron las sensilas falciformes y las sensilas aplanadas estriadas tipo 3. Desde el escapo hasta el flagelómero número seis se localizaron tres tipos de sensilas aplanadas, estriadas y las sensilas tricoideas tipo 2. Mientras que en la maza antenal se encontraron dos tipos de sensilas tricoideas, dos tipos de sensilas basicónicas, y los poros cuticulares.
Abstract: The soybean weevil, Rhyssomatus nigerrimus Fahraeus, is an insect that damages commercial plantations of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. This weevil like other insects has in its antennae an array of sensilla used to locate potential partners, food, and oviposition sites. Because of this, the objective of the study was to use scanning electron microscopy to describe antennal and sensillar morphology of R. nigerrimus. The antennae of both sexes consist of a scape, pedicel, and flagellum of nine segments or flagellomeres. The last three flagellomeres are tightly joined and form the club. On the scape, the falciform sensilla and type 3 flattened-grooved sensilla were found. From the scape and until the sixth flagellomere all three types of flattened-grooved sensilla and type 2 trichoid sensilla were located, while on the club, two types of trichoid sensilla, two types of basiconic sensilla, and cuticular pores were found.

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DE LA CRUZ-GARCIA, Hector, LOPEZ-MARTINEZ, Victor, ALIA-TEJACAL, Iran, GUILLEN-SANCHEZ, Dagoberto, ANDRADE-RODRIGUEZ, Maria, EMILIO ALVAREZ-VARGAS, Juan y CAMPOS-FIGUEROA, Manuel, 2016, Population Dynamics of Mexican Rice Borer, Eoreuma loftini (Dyar), Using a Pheromone Trap System in Sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum L., in Morelos, Mexico. Southwestern Entomologist. Mar. 2016. Vol. 41, no. 1, p. 15–20. DOI: 10.3958/059.041.0103
Resumen: El barrenador Mexicano del arroz, Eoreuma loftini (Dyar) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), es una de las plagas más importantes de la caña de azúcar Saccharum officinarum L. en México, sin embargo se desconoce la dinámica poblacional de adultos de la especie en Morelos. En 2013, fueron colectados 11,282 palomillas machos, con el mayor número en Este y Oeste del estado. También, se observaron dos picos poblacionales, el primero en época de secas (Febrero-Junio) y el segundo en la época de lluvias (Octubre-Diciembre). Se discute la necesidad de monitorear a este barrenador como parte de un programa de Manejo Integrado de Plagas.
Abstract: The Mexican rice borer, Eoreuma loftini (Dyar) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is one of the most important pests of sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum L., in Mexico, but the population dynamics of the adult are not known for conditions in the state of Morelos. During the 2013 season, 11,282 adult males were caught, with the largest number of adults trapped on the eastern and western sides of the state. Two population peaks were observed, the first during the dry season (February-June) and the second during the rainy season (October December). Implementing monitoring of this stalk borer as part of an integrated pest management program is discussed.

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DE LA CRUZ-ZAPATA, Gabriela, GARCIA-LOPEZ, Eustolia, SANCHEZ-SOTO, Saul, BAUTISTA-MARTINEZ, Nestor, JAVIER ORTIZ-DIAZ, Juan y OSORIO-OSORIO, Rodolfo, 2016, Identity of Spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) and their Hosts in Sugarcane Fields in Cardenas, Tabasco, Mexico. Southwestern Entomologist. Mar. 2016. Vol. 41, no. 1, p. 145–151. DOI: 10.3958/059.041.0116  
Resumen: Salivazo o mosca pinta aplica a varias especies de insectos de la familia Cercopidae, que constituyen una importante plaga de la caña de azúcar (Saccharum sp.) en el trópico mexicano, las cuales suelen completar su ciclo de vida en otras plantas que se desarrollan como arvenses. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar las especies de mosca pinta y de arvenses hospederas de éstas, confinando 127 ninfas, de las que se colectaron 76 adultos, 51 de Aeneolamia contigua Walker, y 25 de Prosapia simulans Walker, localizadas en 13 especies de plantas arvenses. La mayor abundancia de especies de mosca pinta se encontró en Paspalum fasciculatum, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, y Pennisetum purpureum. Aeneolamia contigua se reporta por primera vez en Panicum laxum, Pennisetum setaceum y Urochloa fusca, y Prosapia simulans en U. fusca y Synedrella nodiflora, esta última es el primer registro de una planta que no es Poaceae.
Abstract: Spittlebug apply to more than one species of insects of the Cercopidae family, an important pest of sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) plantations in the Mexican tropics, which typically complete their life cycle in other plants that grow like weeds. The aim of this research was to identify both spittlebugs and their host weed species by confining 127 nymphs on exclusions of wire and mesh; 76 adult spittlebugs were captured, 51 Aeneolamia contigua Walker and 25 Prosapia simulans Walker, in 13 species of weeds. The most abundant species was found in Paspalum fasciculatum, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, and Pennisetum purpureum. Aeneolamia contigua is reported for the first time in Panicum laxum, Pennisetum setaceum, and Urochloa fusca and Prosapia simulans in U. fusca and Synedrella nodiflora.

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DE-LOS-ANGELES MARTINEZ-VAZQUEZ, Esau, LOBATO-ORTIZ, Ricardo, GARCIA-ZAVALA, J. Jesus y REYES-LOPEZ, Delfino, 2016, Heterosis in crosses among bell pepper-shaped mexican native tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) lines and saladette type lines. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana. Mar. 2016. Vol. 39, no. 1, p. 67–77.
Resumen: En México el tomate o jitomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) es una de las hortalizas de mayor importancia por su superficie cultivada, por las divisas y el número de empleos que genera, y por su valor alimenticio y cultural. Sin embargo, el material nativo mexicano “criollo” se ha estudiado poco en cuanto a su rendimiento, calidad, resistencia a factores bióticos y abióticos, y en su potencial como fuente de germoplasma en programas de mejoramiento genético. En este trabajo se evaluó el comportamiento heterótico de 40 cruzas formadas entre 10 líneas S5 derivadas de colectas de jitomate nativo mexicano tipo pimiento, localmente llamado “chino criollo”, y cuatro líneas S5 derivadas de híbridos comerciales de jitomate tipo “saladette”. El experimento se estableció en condiciones de invernadero e hidroponía, en un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones y cinco plantas por repetición. Las variables que se registraron fueron peso total de fruto (PTF), peso promedio de fruto (PPF), número total de frutos (NTF), firmeza del fruto (FF), número de flores del tercer racimo (NFR3), número de racimos por planta (NRP) y días a floración del primer racimo (DF1). Hubo diferencias significativas (P ≤ 0.01) entre genotipos, cruzas, líneas y grupos de materiales para la mayoría de las variables. La cruza de mayor rendimiento fue LOR111R, con 3624 g/planta, seguida del testigo El Cid con 34529 g/planta. En las variables PMF, NTF y NRP las cruzas al menos igualaron y en algunos casos superaron al híbrido testigo. Se obtuvieron valores positivos de heterosis media para la mayoría de las variables, excepto en días a floración. En el rendimiento de fruto la heterosis media varió de -21.8 a 111.2 %, mientras que para PPF fue de -13 a 80.7 %. Los resultados del comportamiento per se de las líneas y de sus cruzamientos indican una amplia divergencia genética, la cual se reflejó en altos rendimiento y alta heterosis media que se pueden aprovechar en programas de mejoramiento genético de jitomate.
Abstract: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most important vegetables cultivated in Mexico due to its cultivated surface, its commodity status, the number of jobs required for production, and its nutritional and cultural value. However, little is known about the native Mexican landraces in terms of yield performance, fruit quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic factors, and their potential as a source of germplasm for plant breeding programs. In this work, heterotic performance of 40 crosses formed among 10 S5 lines derived from Mexican native tomato pepper type accessions, locally called “Chino Criollo”, and four S5 lines originated from commercial hybrids of “saladette” type was evaluated. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse and hydroponics conditions, in a randomized complete block design with three replications and five plants per replication. Traits evaluated were total weight of fruit (PTF), average fruit weight (PPF), total number of fruits (NTF), fruit firmness (FF), number of flowers in the third cluster (NFR3), number of clusters per plant (NRP), and days to flowering in the first cluster (DF1). There were significant differences (P <= 0.01) between genotypes, crosses, lines and groups of genetic materials for most variables. The cross with the highest yield was LOR111R with 3624 g plant(-1), followed by the control variety El Cid, with 3452 g plant(-1). For traits PPF, NTF and NRP, there were some crosses that at least equaled and in some cases exceeded the values of the hybrid control variety. Positive values for mean heterosis were obtained in most variables, except for days to flowering. For fruit yield the mean heterosis ranged from -21.8. to 111.2 %, whereas for PPF it was -13 to 80.7 %. Results for the per se performance of the lines and their crosses show great genetic divergence among native genetic materials, which was reflected in high yields and high mean heterosis that can be exploited in tomato breeding programs.

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DE LOS RIOS-CARMENADO, Ignacio, BECERRIL-HERNANDEZ, Hilario and RIVERA, Maria, 2016, Ecological Agriculture and Its Inluence on Rural Prosperity: An Agricultural Company’s Vision (murcia, Spain). Agrociencia. Mayo 2016. Vol. 50, no. 3, p. 375–389. URL:
Resumen: La agricultura ecológica (AE) es una tendencia  global  que busca una relación natural y amigable con el ambiente para  fomentar  la  biodiversidad  vegetal  y  animal.  El  debate  de  la AE frente a la agricultura convencional se ha discutido a nivel internacional en numerosas investigaciones. Sin embargo, pocos estudios  se  han  centrado  en  abordar  los  efectos  de  la AE en relación con el concepto de prosperidad rural. En este artículo  se  analiza,  desde  un  proceso  de  aprendizaje  de  casi  40 años de experiencia de una Sociedad Agraria de Transformación  (SAT),  la  relación  entre  la  AE  y  su  influencia  en  la prosperidad rural. La metodología aplicada parte del modelo Working  With  People  (WWP),  integrando  el  conocimiento  experto y experimentado a lo largo de las acciones de la SAT. La experiencia se centra en una de las regiones de España con mayor superficie de cultivo dedicada a la AE. Los resultados evidencian los efectos que tiene la AE en las distintas dimensiones de la prosperidad rural. La generación de confianza y el trabajo con la gente son las principales premisas que permiten generar prosperidad y desarrollo rural con una visión de sostenibilidad
Abstract Ecological agriculture (EA) is a global tendency that seeks a natural and friendly relationship with the environment to promote plant and animal biodiversity. The debate of the EA in the face of conventional agriculture has been discussed internationally in numerous investigations. However, few studies have focused on tackling the effects of EA in relation with the concept of rural prosperity. This article analyzes, from a learning process of over 40 years of experience of an Agricultural Transformation Company (ATC), the relationship between EA and its influence on rural prosperity. The methodology applied is based on the Working With People (WWP) model, integrating the expert knowledge experimented through SAT’s actions. The experience is centered on one of Spain’s regions with the greatest crop surface dedicated to EA. Results show the effects that EA has on different dimensions of rural prosperity. The creation of trust and working with people are the main premises that help bring about rural prosperity and development with a vision of sustainability.

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FERRIOL, I., TURINA, M., ZAMORA-MACORRA, E. J. y FALK, B. W., 2016, RNA1-Independent Replication and GFP Expression from Tomato marchitez virus Isolate M Cloned cDNA. Phytopathology. Mayo 2016. Vol. 106, no. 5, p. 500–509. DOI 10.1094/PHYTO-10-15-0267-R.
Tomato marchitez virus (ToMarV; synonymous with Tomato apex necrosis virus) is a positive-strand RNA virus in the genus Torradovirus within the family Secoviridae. ToMarV is an emergent whitefly-transmitted virus that causes important diseases in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in Mexico. Here, the genome sequence of the ToMarV isolate M (ToMarV-M) was determined. We engineered full-length cDNA clones of the ToMarV-M genomic RNA (RNA1 and RNA2), separately, into a binary vector. Coinfiltration of both triggered systemic infections in Nicotiana benthamiana, tomato, and tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica) plants and recapitulated the biological activity of the wild-type virus. The viral progeny generated from tomato and tomatillo plants were transmissible by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci biotype B. Also, we assessed whether these infectious clones could be used for screening tomato cultivars for resistance to ToMarV and our results allowed us to differentiate resistant and susceptible tomato lines. We demonstrated that RNA1 of ToMarV-M is required for the replication of RNA2, and it can replicate independently of RNA2. From this, ToMarV-M RNA2 was used to express the green fluorescent protein in N. benthamiana plants, which allowed us to track cell-to-cell movement. The construction of full-length infectious cDNA clones of ToMarV-M provides an excellent tool to investigate virus host vector interactions and elucidate the functions of torradovirus-encoded proteins or the mechanisms of replication of torradovirus genomic RNA.

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GARCIA-MENDEZ, Victor H., ORTEGA-ARENAS, Laura D., VILLANUEVA-JIMENEZ, Juan A. and SANCHEZ-ARROYO, Hussein, 2016, Susceptibility of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (hemiptera: liviidae) to insecticides, in Veracruz, Mexico. Agrociencia. May 2016. Vol. 50, no. 3, p. 355–365. URL:
Resumen: El manejo de la enfermedad bacteriana de los cítricos Huanglongbing (HLB) es más efectivo si se enfoca al control del insecto vector en Áreas Regionales de Control (ARCO). Para apoyar la estrategia de manejo regional de insecticidas se determinó la susceptibilidad de dos poblaciones de Diaphorina citri a los insecticidas endosulfán, dimetoato, imidacloprid, malatión, metomilo, abamectina y lambda-cialotrina. El imidacloprid formulado como producto comercial se evaluó por absorción sistémica en plántulas de naranja (Citrus sinensis L.) cv. Valencia. Los demás productos formulados en grado técnico se evaluaron por aplicación tópica en diluciones con acetona. La mortalidad se registró 24 h después de aplicar los insecticidas. Para cada producto se obtuvo la DL50 o CL50 mediante análisis Probit y se calculó el factor de resistencia. La colonia Cazones fue susceptible a los siete insecticidas evaluados, por lo que estos valores se proponen como base para la vigilancia de la resistencia. La población de Martínez también mostró susceptibilidad a abamectina, endosulfán, lambda-cialotrina, imidacloprid y malatión, y resistencia a dimetoato (87.52 X) y metomilo (83.58 X).
Abstract: The management of the citrus bacterial disease Huanglongbing (HLB) is more effective when focused on the control of the insect vector in Regional Control Areas (RCA). To support the regional management strategy of insecticides, susceptibility of two Diaphorina citri populations to the insecticides endosulfan, dimethoate, imidacloprid, malathion, methomyl, abamectin and lambdacyhalothrin was determined. Imidacloprid formulated as a commercial product was evaluated by systemic absorption in orange seedlings (Citrus sinensis L.) cv. Valencia. The other technical grade formulated products were evaluated by topical application in dilutions with acetone. Mortality was registered 24 h after applying the insecticides. For each product the LD50 or LC50 was obtained through Probit analysis and the resistance factor was calculated. Cazones colony was susceptible to the seven insecticides evaluated, thus these values are proposed as a baseline for monitoring resistance. Martinez population also showed susceptibility to abamectin, endosulfan, lambda-cyhalothrin, imidacloprid and malathion, and resistance to dimethoate (87.52 X) and methomyl (83.58 X).

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FIGUEROA-CASTRO, Pedro, RODRIGUEZ-REBOLLAR, Hilda, GONZALEZ-HERNANDEZ, Hector, FERNANDO SOLIS-AGUILAR, Juan, IGNACIO DEL REAL-LABORDE, Jose, LUIS CARRILLO-SANCHEZ, Jose y ROJAS, Julio C., 2016, Attraction range and inter-trap distance of pheromone-baited traps for monitoring Scyphophorus acupunctatus (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) on blue agave. Florida Entomologist. Mar. 2016. Vol. 99, no. 1, p. 94–99. DOI: 10.1653/024.099.0117
Resumen: Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) es la plaga insectil de mayor importancia en agaves silvestres y cultivados en México. Para el manejo de este picudo es importante tener un método de muestreo para monitorear su densidad poblacional, pero debido a que todo su ciclo biológico ocurre en el interior de la planta, su muestreo es difícil; así, el uso de trampas con feromona sintética es una opción para su monitoreo. En este estudio, se investigó el radio de atracción de trampas cebadas con feromona sintética y tejido de agave para la captura de S. acupunctatus, mediante la técnica de captura-marcaje-liberación y recaptura. También se evaluaron diferentes distancias entre trampas para el monitoreo de este insecto. Se encontró que las trampas cebadas con feromona sintética y tejido de agave atrajeron a S. acupunctatus hasta en un rango de 120 m. Adicionalmente, encontramos que el punto cardinal en donde se liberaron los insectos afectan la recaptura de los picudos. En cuanto a distancia entre trampas, se encontró que las trampas colocadas a las mayores distancias entre sí capturaron más picudos. Así, las trampas colocadas a las mayores distancias evaluadas (100, 200 o 250 m) capturaron más picudos que las trampas colocadas a menores distancias. En base a los resultados de este estudio, para el monitoreo de S. acupunctatus se sugiere usar estas trampas cebadas con feromona sintética y tejido de agave a una densidad de una trampa por cada 6 hectáreas de agave tequilero.
Abstract: Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) is one of the most important insect pests of wild and cultivated agaves in Mexico. For managing this weevil, it is important to have a method for detecting and sampling its population density. The weevil’s life cycle takes place inside the agave plant, which makes sampling of the weevil difficult. The use of traps baited with synthetic pheromone plus agave tissue is a useful tool for sampling the population density of this pest. Using the capture-mark-release-recapture method, we investigated the attraction range of traps baited with synthetic pheromone plus agave tissue to capture S. acupunctatus. We also evaluated several inter-trap distances to determine the best density of traps for monitoring this insect. Our results showed that these traps attracted S. acupunctatus up to a range of 120 m. In addition, we found that the cardinal point at which weevils were released affected their recapture. The results also showed that, in general, experiments with the longest inter-trap distances captured the most weevils. Thus, traps placed at 100 m in the 1st experiment, 200 m in the 2nd experiment, and 250 m in the 3rd experiment captured more weevils than traps placed at shorter distances. Based on our results of attraction range and inter-trap distances, we suggest that these pheromone-baited traps could be used for monitoring S. acupunctatus at densities of 1 trap per 6 ha of blue agave crop.

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GIESE, W. Gill, WOLF, Tony K., VELASCO-CRUZ, Ciro y ROBERTS, Lucas, 2016, Cover Crop and Root Pruning Effects on the Rooting Pattern of SO4 Rootstock Grafted to Cabernet Sauvignon. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. Ene. 2016. Vol. 67, no. 1, p. 105–115. DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2015.15066.
Resumen: Root biomass, root intercepts, and root length density of SO4 rootstock grafted to Cabernet Sauvignon and exposed to under-trellis cover cropping (CC) and with or without root pruning (RP or NRP, respectively) were evaluated over three years. The CC treatments included tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Shreb.) varieties KY-31, with and without RP, Elite II without RP, and an 0.9 m wide, under-trellis herbicide strip with KY-31 fescue interrows, with and without RP. Around 70% of grapevine root biomass was observed at <= 60 cm soil depth, regardless of treatment or year. KY-31 fescue/NRP vines had the most (96%) root biomass at <= 60 cm soil depth in 2008. Rooting depth distributions were fitted to the model Y = (1 - beta(d)), where d is soil depth (cm), Y is the cumulative root fraction from the soil surface to depth d, and the unknown parameter beta is a measure of soil vertical root distribution used as a response variable to test for treatment differences. All root distributions across treatments and years, except KY-31 fescue/NRP in 2008, generated beta values greater than 0.970, similar to beta values from other root distribution studies. The modest treatment impact on root biomass and distribution suggests that these mature grapevines adapted to CC and annual RP in this environment, and partially explains the minimal impact on soil water content and vine water potential previously reported from this experiment.

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GONZÁLEZ-CAMACHO, Juan Manuel, CROSSA, Jose, PÉREZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Paulino, ORNELLA, Leonardo y GIANOLA, Daniel, 2016, Genome-enabled prediction using probabilistic neural network classifiers. Bmc Genomics. 9 Mar. 2016. Vol. 17, p. 208. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2553-1.
Resumen: Background: Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN) have been shown to be effective in genome-enabled prediction. Here, we evaluated and compared the classification performance of an MLP classifier versus that of a probabilistic neural network (PNN), to predict the probability of membership of one individual in a phenotypic class of interest, using genomic and phenotypic data as input variables. We used 16 maize and 17 wheat genomic and phenotypic datasets with different trait-environment combinations (sample sizes ranged from 290 to 300 individuals) with 1.4 k and 55 k SNP chips. Classifiers were tested using continuous traits that were categorized into three classes (upper, middle and lower) based on the empirical distribution of each trait, constructed on the basis of two percentiles (15-85 % and 30-70 %). We focused on the 15 and 30 % percentiles for the upper and lower classes for selecting the best individuals, as commonly done in genomic selection. Wheat datasets were also used with two classes. The criteria for assessing the predictive accuracy of the two classifiers were the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and the area under the precision-recall curve (AUCpr). Parameters of both classifiers were estimated by optimizing the AUC for a specific class of interest. Results: The AUC and AUCpr criteria provided enough evidence to conclude that PNN was more accurate than MLP for assigning maize and wheat lines to the correct upper, middle or lower class for the complex traits analyzed. Results for the wheat datasets with continuous traits split into two and three classes showed that the performance of PNN with three classes was higher than with two classes when classifying individuals into the upper and lower (15 or 30 %) categories. Conclusions: The PNN classifier outperformed the MLP classifier in all 33 (maize and wheat) datasets when using AUC and AUCpr for selecting individuals of a specific class. Use of PNN with Gaussian radial basis functions seems promising in genomic selection for identifying the best individuals. Categorizing continuous traits into three classes generally provided better classification than when using two classes, because classification accuracy improved when classes were balanced.

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GONZALEZ, M., FIGUEROA, J. L., VAQUERA, H., SANCHEZ-TORRES, M. T., ORTEGA, M. E., COPADO, J. M. F. y MARTINEZ, J. A., 2016, Meta-analysis of the effect of low protein diets for finishing barrows. Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria. 2016. Vol. 48, no. 1, p. 51–59.
Resumen: Se realizó un metaanálisis con datos originales de siete experimentos con 222 cerdos híbridos en finalización alojados individualmente con peso vivo inicial promedio de 52,69±3,74 kg, alimentados con dietas bajas en proteína. Se evaluó el comportamiento productivo, las características de la canal y la concentración de urea en plasma. Se realizó análisis de varianza y de regresión utilizando un modelo de superficie de respuesta mediante RSREG de SAS (2009), considerando nivel de proteína cruda (PC) y efecto del experimento, año, época del año, tipo y nivel del aditivo alimenticio agregado. Se determinaron los niveles óptimos de PC (12,8, 11,3 y 9,5%), corroborándolos con un experimento adicional utilizando 36 cerdos híbridos en finalización con 54,01 kg de peso inicial durante 42 días. La ganancia diaria de peso, consumo diario de alimento, conversión alimenticia, peso final, ganancia de carne magra, porcentaje de carne magra, área del músculo longissimus y concentración de urea en plasma, no se afectan (P > 0,05) con 11,5% de PC pero al disminuir la PC hasta 9,5% sí son afectadas (P ≤ 0,05); el grosor de la grasa dorsal aumenta cuando disminuye la PC (P < 0,05). Al corroborar los niveles óptimos de PC no hubo diferencias en ganancia de peso, consumo de alimento, peso final y ganancia de carne magra (P ≤ 0,05) al bajar la PC hasta 11,5%. Para grasa dorsal, área del músculo longissimus y porcentaje de carne magra no hubo diferencias (P > 0,05) al reducir la proteína de 12,8 hasta 9,5%. La concentración de urea en plasma se redujo (P ≤ 0,05) al disminuir la PC de la dieta. La reducción de proteína en la dieta hasta 11,5% no afecta negativamente las variables analizadas.
Abstract: A meta-analysis was carried out using individually pig data from seven experiments involving 222 hybrid finishing pigs with initial body weight of 52.69 +/- 3.74 kg, individually housed, fed low-protein diets. Growth performance, carcass characteristics and plasma urea nitrogen concentration were evaluated. An analysis of variance and regression using a response surface model with RSREG procedure of SAS (2009) were performed considering level of crude protein (CP), effect of the experiment, year, time of year, type and level food additive supplemented. Optimum levels of CP were determined (12.8, 11.3 and 9.5%) and corroborated through an additional experiment using 36 hybrid finishing pigs with 54.01 kg of initial weight, during 42 days. Average daily gain, daily feed intake, feed conversion, final weight, gain lean meat, lean meat percentage, longissimus muscle area and plasma urea nitrogen concentration were not affected (P > 0.05) at a concentration of 11.5% CP, however, with 9.5% PC these variables were affected (P <= 0.05); backfat increased by lowering CP (P <= 0.05). In the experiment to corroborate optimal levels of PC, there were no differences (P > 0.05) for weight gain, feed intake, final weight and gain lean to lower the PC diet to 11.5%. For backfat, longissimus muscle area and lean meat percentage there were no differences (P > 0.05) when decreasing prot to 12.8 9.5% PC. Plasma urea concentration was lowered (P <= 0.05) to decrease the PC diet. Reducing dietary protein to 11.5% does not adversely affect the variables analysed.

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GONZÁLEZ-VALDEZ, Eduardo, ALARCÓN, Alejandro, FERRERA-CERRATO, Ronald, RENE VEGA-CARRILLO, Héctor, MALDONADO-VEGA, María y ANGEL SALAS-LUEVANO, Miguel, 2016, Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Five Plant Species for Assessing Potential Strategies to Stabilizing or Recovering Metals from Mine Tailings. Water Air and Soil Pollution. Ene. 2016. Vol. 227, no. 1. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-015-2724-8.
Resumen: This study evaluated the seed germination and dry mass accumulation of five plant species (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L., Celosia cristata L., Tagetes erecta L., and Calendula officinalis L.) grown in five mine tailings collected from Zacatecas, Mexico. Sampled mines were El Bote, Noria de San Pantaleon, Noria de Angeles, Vetagrande, and El Bordo-El Lampotal, in which Pb (3.9-69.7 mg kg (1)), As (0.726.2 mg kg(-1)), Hg (0.05-0.10 mg kg(-1)), and Au (0.010.02 mg kg(-1)) were detected. The most abundant elements at each mine site were as follows: Pb and Au (3.9 and 0.023 mg kg(-1), respectively) for El Bote; As, Pb, and Hg (7.4, 6.1, and 0.10 mg kg(-1), respectively) for the Noria de San Pantaleon; Pb, As, and Hg (69.7, 26.2, and 0.08 mg kg(-1), respectively) for Noria de Angeles; Pb (20.8 mg kg(-1)) for Vetagrande; and Pb (5.3 mg kg(-1)) for El Bordo-El Lampotal. Both Noria de Angeles and Vetagrande mine tailings had high values of sodium, sulfates, and electrical conductivity, chemical properties that impaired seed germination and dry mass accumulation. Regardless the mining tailings, B. napus showed high seed germination (66 %), tolerance, growth, and total dry mass accumulation (0.041 g). Either B. napus or C. cristata has good potential for stabilizing or recovering metals from mine tailings.

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HANAN-A, Ana M., VIBRANS, Heike, IVALU CACHO, N., VILLASENOR, Jose L., ORTIZ, Enrique y GOMEZ-G, Vinicio A., 2016, Use of herbarium data to evaluate weediness in five congeners. Aob Plants. 2016. Vol. 8, p. plv144. DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plv144.
Resumen: It is often desirable to quantify a plant’s relative weediness or synanthropy, that is, the degree to which a species associates with human-caused disturbance, in order to study and understand the biology, ecology and evolution of weeds and invasive plants. Herbarium specimens are among the most accessible and verifiable sources of data on distribution and habitat. However, the habitat distribution of species may not be reflected accurately by herbarium specimen data, due towell-known biases in plant collection. Here, we assess how well herbarium specimens reflect species’ weediness, when compared with direct field surveys. We used five species of Melampodium (Asteraceae) and classified their degree of weediness with a modification of Nuorteva’s synanthropy index, based on herbarium specimens. We then modelled the distribution of our focal species in Mexico using MaxEnt and identified a polygon of similar to 3000 km(2) in the state of Nayarit, Mexico, where there was a high probability of finding all five species. Systematic field searches in the target area documented all visible populations of four species along major and minor roads. Then we, again, classified their degree of weediness with the synanthropy index, based now on field data, and compared. We found that herbarium data were an accurate predictor of a species’ weediness relative to its congeners despite the well-documented skew of herbarium data towards natural areas, which our data reflected as well. So, herbarium data can be used to classify species’ weediness relative to each other, but not in absolute terms, if the specimens were correctly identified and none of the species were subject to particular collection bias. This study is the first attempt to compare herbarium and field data on this subject and may be relevant for other types of investigations based on herbarium data. Our work also highlights the usefulness of distribution models based on herbarium specimens.

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HERNANDEZ-DOMINGUEZ, C., GUZMAN-FRANCO, A. W., CARRILLO-BENITEZ, M. G., ALATORRE-ROSAS, R., RODRIGUEZ-LEYVA, E. y VILLANUEVA-JIMENEZ, J. A., 2016, Specific Diversity of Metarhizium Isolates Infecting Aeneolamia spp. (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) in Sugarcane Plantations. Neotropical Entomology. Feb. 2016. Vol. 45, no. 1, p. 80–87. DOI: 10.1007/s13744-015-0337-y.
Resumen: Spittlebugs from the genus Aeneolamia are important pests of sugarcane. Although the use of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizum anisopliae s.l. for control of this pest is becoming more common in Mexico, fundamental information regarding M. anisopliae in sugarcane plantations is practically non-existent. Using phylogenetic analysis, we determined the specific diversity of Metarhizium spp. infecting adult spittlebugs in sugarcane plantations from four Mexican states. We obtained 29 isolates of M. anisopliae s.str. Haplotype network analysis revealed the existence of eight haplotypes. Eight selected isolates, representing the four Mexican states, were grown at different temperatures in vitro; isolates from Oaxaca achieved the greatest growth followed by isolates from Veracruz, San Luis Potosi and Tabasco. No relationship was found between in vitro growth and haplotype diversity. Our results represent a significant contribution to the better understanding of the ecology of Metarhizum spp. in the sugarcane agroecosystem.

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HERNANDEZ-DOMINGUEZ, Carmela, DE LOURDES CERROBLANCO-BAXCAJAY, Maria, ALVARADO-ARAGON, Luis U., HERNANDEZ-LOPEZ, Gonzalo y GUZMAN-FRANCO, Ariel W., 2016, Comparison of the relative efficacy of an insect baiting method and selective media for diversity studies of Metarhizium species in the soil. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 2016. Vol. 26, no. 5, p. 707–717. DOI: 10.1080/09583157.2016.1152458.
Resumen: Metarhizium are a commonly occurring group of entomopathogenic fungi normally found in soil. The most common methods to assess the diversity of Metarhizium species in soil are (i) the use of selective media and (ii) insect baiting using Galleria mellonella larvae. We compared the recovery efficiency from soil of four common species of Metarhizium (Metarhizium anisopliae, Metarhizium pingshaense, Metarhizium brunneum and Metarhizium robertsii) using these two methods. Firstly, we compared the number of colony forming units (CFU) produced in vitro when grown on two selective media, one containing chloramphenicol, thiabendazole and cycloheximidethe (CTC) and one based on the fungicide dodine (n-dodecylguanidine acetate) (DOD). Secondly, we artificially inoculated natural/non-sterile soil with the four fungal species at a rate of 2x10(2) and 2x10(3) conidia g(-1) of soil, baited with G. mellonella, and processed for evaluation using the selective media. The in vitro results showed that the greatest number of CFUs were recorded for M. brunneum. In contrast, when inoculated into soil, more G. mellonella larvae became infected by M. anisopliae. Finally, when using selective media, most CFUs recovered were for M. robertsii. The importance of our results in selecting a method to study the natural occurrence of Metarhizium in soil are discussed.

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HERNÁNDEZ-PÉREZ, Armando, VALDEZ-AGUILAR, Luis A., VILLEGAS-TORRES, Oscar G., ALIA-TEJACAL, Iran, TREJO-TELLEZ, Libia I. y SAINZ-AISPURO, Manuel de J., 2016, Effects of ammonium and calcium on lisianthus growth. Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology. Abril 2016. Vol. 57, no. 2, p. 123–131. DOI: 10.1007/s13580-016-0004-1.
Resumen: The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of ammonium (NH4 (+)) (0% and 50% of total nitrogen, N) in combination with calcium (Ca) on the growth of lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) in perlite cultures. Ammonium significantly improved leaf area, stem diameter, flower buds, and chlorophyll content (SPAD index) while increasing levels of Ca resulted in decreased leaf area, and chlorophyll contents. Application of NH4 (+) increased dry weight (DW) of stems, leaves and flowers with a reduction in root DW. In contrast, increased Ca caused a decrease in DW of all plant parts, except flowers. Decreased photosynthesis in NH4 (+) -fed plants was associated with a decrease in magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) uptake, and an increase in phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) uptake. The potentially deleterious effect of this nutrient imbalance was counteracted by allocating more K and Mg to the shoot and flowers. The ability of lisianthus to shift the allocation of nutrients to sensitive plant parts may explain the tolerance of this species to high NH4 (+). Ammonium was associated with decreased peroxidase and catalase activities, suggesting that plants were under oxidative stress. Plants typically respond to high NH4 (+) nutrition by decreasing the uptake of Ca; however, in our study, increasing Ca and NH4 (+) resulted in increased Ca uptake, reaching toxic concentrations in shoot tissues.

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LOPEZ-GARCIA, Raul, MATA-GONZALEZ, Ricardo, BLANCO-MACIAS, Fidel, DE JESUS MENDEZ-GALLEGOS, Santiago y DAVID VALDEZ-CEPEDA, Ricardo, 2016, Fruit attributes dependence on fruiting cladode dry or fresh matter in Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller variety “Rojo Pelon.” Scientia Horticulturae. 20 Abril 2016. Vol. 202, p. 57–62. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2016.02.028.
Resumen: The wide range of environmental conditions in which Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller grows implies a great variability in fruit yield and fruit ripening, among other aspects. There is scarce scientific knowledge about fruit yield and fruit quality dependence on within-tree factors such as plant architecture, fruiting cladode position and cladode characteristics, especially over multiple growing seasons. In this work, we addressed the dependence of fruit attributes to the weight of fruiting cladodes for the “Rojo Pelo n” variety using the boundary line approach and including a 3-year database (2012-2014). Our results suggest that 14.4 g to 33 g (depending on the year) could be the minimum fruiting cladode dry weight (CDW) required for producing fruits. In general, above 156 g CDW or cladode excess dry weight, the number of fruits per cladode decreased. Considering data from the three years, cladodes with 1497 g of fresh weight were able to produce mean fruit weight per fruiting cladode (MFWC) of 154 g. The maximum load (1602 g) occurred on fruiting cladodes with 1629 g of fresh matter, and corresponded to 2014. These fruiting cladodes grew during 2013, the wettest year of the study (rainfall of 556.2 mm). Remarkably, fruiting cladode excess dry and fresh matter required for producing fruit could be important factors to avoid high variation between productivity levels in successive years. These attributes may be convenient indexes for predicting which cladode will produce fruits. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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MARTINEZ-TREJO, Elizabeth, SANCHEZ-ESCUDERO, Julio, PEREZ-PANDURO, Alejandro, CASTILLEJOS-CRUZ, Carlos y RAMIREZ-VALVERDE, Gustavo, 2016, Impact of Hylesinus mexicanus (Wood) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Olive Orchards in lxmiquilpan, Hidalgo, Mexico. Southwestern Entomologist. Mar. 2016. Vol. 41, no. 1, p. 241–250. DOI: 10.3958/059.041.0121
Resumen: Hylesinus mexicanus, recientemente listado como uno más de los escolítidos que atacan al olivo, está presente sobre este cultivo, por ahora, solo en Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo, México. Para conocer su impacto en el cultivo se evaluó mensualmente su incidencia, intensidad de daño y dinámica poblacional en nueve huertas de esa región. Este insecto afectó entre 0 y 39% de las ramas (promedio 18%) con una intensidad de 0.45 y 7.42 orificios/rama y afectando al 4.9% de los árboles. La mayor abundancia de adultos ocurrió entre diciembre y abril, coincidiendo con el periodo de estiaje, una abundancia menor entre mayo y agosto y completa ausencia entre septiembre y octubre. Como factores de su abundancia se identificó el estrés por sequía y los restos de poda dejados en las huertas. Además se observó que coloniza árboles de vivero, lo cual constituye un medio de dispersión. Se observó su reproducción en el tronco de un olivo recientemente podado y con diámetro de 30 cm. El daño de otras plagas (filófagas) alcanzó al 13% de las hojas de los brotes nuevos, donde ocasionó la pérdida del 7% de la extensión foliar.
Abstract: Hylesinus mexicanus, recently listed as one of the pests in the family; Scolytidae attacking olives, is currently present only in lxmiquilpan, Hidalgo, Mexico.? To know its impact in this crop we evaluated its monthly incidence, intensity ot damage, and population dynamics in nine orchards of this region. This insecti affected between 0-39% of the branches ’(average of 18%) with an intensity of 0.45) and 7.42 holes per branch, affecting 4.9% of the trees. Adults were most abundanb between December and April, a time that coincides with the dry season; less abundance was observed between May and August and complete absence of the beetle during September and October. Some of the main factors of this patterr could be drought and pruning debris left in orchards. Furthermore, we observed that this beetle colonizes trees in nurseries, which constitutes an important means of dispersion. We also noticed its reproduction in a recently pruned olive trunk 30 cm in diameter. Damage by other organisms (leaf feeding) reached 13% of leaves on new sprouts, resulting in the loss of 7% of foliar extension.

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MONTESINOS-HERRERO, Clara, MOSCOSO-RAMIREZ, Pedro A. y PALOU, Lluis, 2016, Evaluation of sodium benzoate and other food additives for the control of citrus postharvest green and blue molds. Postharvest Biology and Technology. Mayo 2016. Vol. 115, p. 72–80. DOI 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2015.12.022.
Resumen: The curative activity of the food additives dehydroacetic acid, dimethyl dicarbonate, ethylene diamine tetracetic acid, sodium acetate, and sodium benzoate (SB) was tested in in vivo preliminary screenings against green and blue molds on citrus fruit artificially inoculated 24 h before with Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum, respectively. SB was the most effective compound and it was further tested in trials simulating postharvest industrial applications. Dip treatments for 60 s with 3% (w/v) SB heated above 50 degrees C resulted in about 90% reduction of green and blue mold incidence on “Valencia” oranges inoculated, treated, and incubated at 20 degrees C and 90% RH for 7 days. This treatment was also effective on “Lanelate” oranges, “Fino” lemons and “Ortanique” mandarins, but not on “Clemenules” mandarins. Heated solutions combining SB with low doses (25 or 50 mu L L-1) of the fungicide imazalil (IMZ) were synergistic and greatly improved the efficacy of stand-alone treatments. On “Valencia” oranges stored for 8 weeks at 5 degrees C followed by 7 days of shelf-life at 20 degrees C, this combination reduced the incidence of green and blue molds almost by 100%. It was found in additional trials to test the preventive activity that 3% SB dips at 50 degrees C for 60 s did not reduce green mold on “Valencia” oranges treated, inoculated with P. digitatum 24 h later, and incubated at 20 degrees C for 7 days. It can be concluded from this work that heated SB aqueous solutions might be in the future an interesting nonpolluting disease control alternative for the commercialization of citrus in markets with zero tolerance to fungicide residues. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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ORDUNO-CRUZ, Nuvia, GUZMAN-FRANCO, Ariel W. y RODRIGUEZ-LEYVA, Esteban, 2016, Diaphorina citri populations carrying the bacterial plant pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus are more susceptible to infection by entomopathogenic fungi than bacteria-free populations. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. Feb. 2016. Vol. 18, no. 1, p. 95–98. DOI 10.1111/afe.12138.
Resumen: 1 The presence of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) modifies the susceptibility of Diaphorina citri to fungal infection. Using one isolate of each the fungal species Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Isaria fumosorosea, we first estimated the LC50 for CLas-free adults of D. citri. 2 The lowest LC50 (1 Chi 10(4) conidia/mL) value was used to inoculate CLas-free and CLas-carrying adults of D. citri and their relative susceptibility was compared. 3 CLas-carrying adults were more susceptible than CLas-free adults of D. citri to all three fungal isolates. The possibility of CLas exploiting D. citri as an alternative host, therefore ensuring its dispersal and survival, is discussed.

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OROZCO-RAMIREZ, Q., ROSS-IBARRA, J., SANTACRUZ-VARELA, A. y BRUSH, S., 2016, Maize diversity associated with social origin and environmental variation in Southern Mexico. Heredity. Mayo 2016. Vol. 116, no. 5, p. 477–484. DOI 10.1038/hdy.2016.10.
Resumen: While prevailing theories of crop evolution suggest that crop diversity and cultural diversity should be linked, empirical evidence for such a link remains inconclusive. In particular, few studies have investigated such patterns on a local scale. Here, we address this issue by examining the determinants of maize diversity in a local region of high cultural and biological richness in Southern Mexico. We collected maize samples from villages at low and middle elevations in two adjacent municipalities of differing ethnicity: Mixtec or Chatino. Although morphological traits show few patterns of population structure, we see clear genetic differentiation among villages, with municipality explaining a larger proportion of the differentiation than altitude. Consistent with an important role of social origin in patterning seed exchange, metapopulation model-based estimates of differentiation match the genetic data within village and ethnically distinct municipalities, but underestimate differentiation when all four villages are taken together. Our research provides insights about the importance of social origin in structuring maize diversity at the local scale.

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PARRA-GOMEZ, Mayra A., LOBATO-ORTIZ, Ricardo, GARCIA-ZAVALA, J. Jesus, REYES-LOPEZ, Delfino y VELASCO-ALVARADO, Mario J., 2016, EVALUATION OF INBRED LINES FROM A TOMATO INTERSPECIFIC CROSS. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana. Mar. 2016. Vol. 39, no. 1, p. 59–65. URL:
Resumen: El tomate o jitomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) es una de las principales hortalizas cultivadas en México y en el mundo; sin embargo, presenta una reducida variación genética resultado de su proceso de domesticación y de su sistema de reproducción por autogamia. Como consecuencia, el uso de germoplasma proveniente de sus parientes silvestres es una opción que los mejoradores han explotado para buscar variantes alélicas de calidad y de resistencia a factores bióticos y abióticos adversos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue ampliar la base genética del jitomate cultivado, generar germoplasma para el mejoramiento genético y evaluar el potencial hortícola de 225 líneas S3 derivadas de una cruza interespecífica entre S. lycopersicum y S. pimpinellifolium. Las 225 líneas se evaluaron en condiciones de invernadero e hidroponía. Se obtuvo gran variación entre líneas para las variables relacionadas con el rendimiento y sus componentes, así como en calidad de fruto; el peso promedio de fruto varió de 1 a 36 g, los sólidos solubles totales de 3.4 a 10.2 °Brix, el rendimiento de 16 a 1330 g por planta, y el número de frutos por racimo fue de 8 a 115, por lo que las líneas generadas representan una nueva fuente de germoplasma para programas de mejoramiento genético de jitomate en México. Las variables que presentaron alta correlación con el rendimiento fueron el peso promedio de fruto, longitud y diámetro de fruto, así como el número total de frutos por planta. Los componentes del rendimiento tuvieron valores relativamente altos de heredabilidad en sentido amplio, mayores de 0.60, mientras que para grados sólidos solubles totales fue 0.50.
Abstract: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the main vegetables grown in Mexico and around the world; however, this species has reduced genetic variation due to its domestication and inbreeding. As a consequence tomato breeders use wild germplasm from tomato relatives in search ing allelic variants for fruit quality and resistance to adverse biotic and abiotic factors. This work tried to increase the genetic background of cultivated tomato, to generate germplasm for tomato breeding in Mexico, and to assess the horticultural potential of 225 recombinant S-3 lines derived from an interspecific cross between S. lycopersicum and S. pinpinellifolium. The 225 lines were evaluated under greenhouse and hydroponics conditions. Large variation was found among lines for yield and yield components, as well as for fruit quality. For example, average fruit weight ranged from 1 g to 36 g; total soluble solids ranged from 3.4 to 10.2 degrees Brix; fruit yield ranged from 16 to 1330 g per plant; and the number of fruits per cluster ranged from 8 to 115. Therefore the lines generated in this work represent a new source of germplasm for tomato breeding programs in Mexico. Traits that showed higher correlation with yield were the variable averages of fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, and total number of fruit per plant. Yield components had relatively high values of broad sense heritability, greater than 0.60, while for total soluble solids it was 0.50.

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PEREZ-ORTEGA, G., GONZALEZ-TRUJANO, M. E., ANGELES-LOPEZ, G. E., BRINDIS, F., VIBRANS, H. y REYES-CHILPA, R., 2016, Tagetes lucida Cav.: Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of its tranquilizing properties. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2 Abril 2016. Vol. 181, p. 221–228. DOI 10.1016/j.jep.2016.01.040.
Resumen: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Morelos State is one of the most important regions of Mexico where several plant species are used in traditional medicine to influence central nervous system (CNS) activity; for example Tagetes lucida Cav. Aim of the study: To investigate the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of the tranquilizing properties of T. lucida aerial parts. Material and methods: Data on the medicinal uses of T. lucida were explored by interviewing healers and merchants of local markets in different regions of Morelos State by using a questionnaire. Anxiolytic and/or sedative-like responses of the T. lucida were investigated in experimental models in mice such as: open-field, exploration cylinder, hole-board, plus-maze, and the barbituric-induced hypnosis potentiation. The possible mechanism of action was explored in the presence of WAY100635 (0.32 mg/kg, i.p.) and flumazenil (10 mg/kg, i.p.) antagonists. A feasible active compound was isolated and identified by using conventional chromatography, including UHPLC and MS (DART) [M+H]+ techniques. Results: Interviews of healers and merchants from ten local regions of Morelos State showed that they recommended T. lucida as infusion and as tincture for several culture-bound syndromes associated with the CNS. Anxiolytic and sedative-like activities of polar extracts were corroborated in the experimental models; these effects were inhibited in the presence of 5-HT1A and GABA/BDZ receptor antagonists. Dimethylfraxetin was identified as one possible active compound. Conclusions: The results support the anxiolytic and sedative-like properties of T. lucida in traditional medicine by involving serotonergic and GABAergic neurotransmission and coumarinic constituents. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

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PEREZ-RUIZ, Juan A., ZAMORA-DIAZ, Mauro, MEJIA-CONTRERAS, Jose A., HERNANDEZ-LIVERA, Adrian y SOLANO-HERNANDEZ, Salomon, 2016, Assessment of ten barley genotypes (Hordeum vulgare L.) sown on five planting dates in two agricultural cycles. Agrociencia. Mar. 2016. Vol. 50, no. 2, p. 201–213. URL:
Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar características agronómicas, rendimiento y calidad física de grano de genotipos de cebada maltera (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivados con riego. El estudio se realizó en la región de El Bajío, México. Las variables evaluadas fueron número de macollos (NM), número de nudos del tallo principal (NN), altura de planta (AP), peso hectolítrico (PHL), peso de mil granos (PMG) y rendimiento de grano (REN). El diseño experimental fue bloques completos al azar con un arreglo factorial 1052: diez genotipos, cinco fechas de siembra y dos ciclos agrícolas. Las fechas de siembra fueron: noviembre 15 y 30, diciembre 15 y 30, y 15 de enero. Los ciclos agrícolas fueron: 2012-2013 y 2013-2014. Con los datos se realizó ANDEVA, pruebas de comparación de medias (Tukey, p0.05) y correlaciones. Los genotipos expresaron mayor NM, NN, AP, PHL, PMG y REN en las siembras establecidas a finales de otoño, y las establecidas a principios de invierno tuvieron los valores menores. Las variedades Alina y Armida mostraron rendimiento y calidad física de grano mayores.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate agronomic characteristics, grain yield, and physical grain quality in malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes cultivated under irrigation. The study was carried out at the El Bajio region of Mexico. The variables evaluated were number of tillers (NM), number of nodes on the main stem (NN), plant height (AP), hectoliter weight (PHL), weight of one thousand grains (PMG) and grain yield (REN). The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with a 10 x 5 x 2 factorial arrangemen of treatments: ten genotypes, five sowing dates and two agricultural cycles. The sowing dates were November 15 and 30, December 15 and 30 and January 15. The agricultural cycles were 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. The data were analyzed with an ANOVA, means were compared with Tukey test (p <= 0.05) and correlations. The genotypes expressed higher NM, NN, AP, PHL, PMG and REN when sowing was at the end of autumn, while those established at the beginning of winter had lower values. The varieties Alina and Armida produced higher yields and better grain physical quality.

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PINEDO-ESCATEL, J. A. and BLANCO-RODRIGUEZ, E., 2016, A new species of Idona DeLong (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) from Mexico, with an annotated list of species. Zootaxa. 24 May 2016. Vol. 4114, no. 3, p. 320–330. DOI 10.11646/zootaxa.4114.3.7
Resumen: A new dikraneurine leafhopper, Idona dmitrievi sp. nov., is described and illustrated from Mexico. An annotated checklist and a key for Mexican species are also provided.

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PINTO, Juan J., SILVA, Gonzalo, FIGUEROA, Ines, TAPIA, Maritza, URBINA, Angelica, CONCEPCION RODRIGUEZ, J. y LAGUNES, Angel, 2016, Insecticidal activity of powder and essential oil of Cryptocarya alba (Molina) Looser against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. Mar. 2016. Vol. 76, no. 1, p. 48–54. DOI: 10.4067/S0718-58392016000100007.
Resumen: Cereals constitute a relevant part of human and domestic animal diet. Under storage conditions, one of the most significant problems of these crops is insect pests as the maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky). This insect species is usually controlled by means of synthetic insecticides but problems as toxic residues and resistance has led to the search for more friendly control alternatives such as botanical insecticides. The aim of this research was to evaluate, under laboratory conditions, the insecticidal properties of the powder and the essential oil of peumo (Cryptocarya alba [Molina] Looser; Lauraceae) leaves against S. zeamais. The variables assessed were toxicity by contact and fumigant activity, adult emergence (F-1), repellent effect, and impact on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seed germination. A completely randomized design was used with five treatments and 10 replicates. The higher mortality levels were obtained at 80 g powder kg(-1) grain and 40 mL essential oil kg(-1) grain of C. alba; in both cases, the mortality of adult S. zeamais surpassed 80%. The emergence of adults S. zeamais (F-1) was reduced by 100% at 80 g powder kg(-1) grain and 40 mL essential oil kg-1 grain. Germination of wheat seeds treated with C. alba powder and essential oil was not affected. Both, the powder and the oil treatments showed repellent effect, but not fumigant activity.

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RAMÍREZ-VALVERDE, Rodolfo, RAMÍREZ-VALVERDE, Gustavo, NUÑEZ-DOMÍNGUEZ, Rafael, DELGADILLO-ZAPATA, Rafael A. y HERNÁNDEZ-LEÓN, Miguel, 2016, Association between genetic evaluation and show-ring judging for dairy and beef cattle. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias. Mar. 2016. Vol. 29, no. 1, p. 25–32. URL:
Resumen: Antecedentes: una preocupación de los criadores es si la jerarquización de los animales basada en evaluaciones genéticas es similar a la del juzgamiento en la pista. Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre la jerarquización de animales con base en el juzgamiento en pista y sus respectivas diferencias esperadas en la progenie (EPDs) o habilidades de transmisión predicha (PTAs), para animales Pardo Suizo Europeo (BR) y Americano (BS) de México. Métodos: los valores jerárquicos del juzgamiento fueron transformados usando la transformación rankit. Para cada raza, análisis de correlación de Pearson fueron realizados entre los valores jerárquicos transformados de los animales obtenidos del juzgamiento en la pista y sus valores de EPD o PTA. Resultados: usando las bases de datos completas, en ambas razas los coeficientes de correlación estimados fueron bajos (< 0,18) y diferentes de cero (p < 0,05). El coeficiente de correlación considerando las PTAs para producción de leche en BS fue ligeramente mayor que los obtenidos con cualquier EPD de las características de crecimiento en BR. Las correlaciones en animales adultos (0,18 a 0,23) fueron diferentes de cero (p < 0,05) y mayores que las de animales jóvenes o becerros; mientras que para hembras y machos fueron similares. Correlaciones por año de juzgamiento en pista fueron variables y sin tendencia específica. Conclusiones: la jerarquización de animales usando los resultados de juzgamiento en la pista y las evaluaciones genéticas están asociadas pero en baja magnitud. La selección de animales con base en su juzgamiento en pista puede usarse como herramienta complementaria a la evaluación genética.
Abstract: Background: a concern for breeders is whether an animal ranking based on genetic evaluations is similar to that obtained from show-ring judging. Objective: to determine the association between rankings for Braunvieh (BR) and Brown Swiss (BS) cattle of Mexico based on show-ring judging and their respective expected progeny differences (EPDs) or predicted transmitted abilities (PTAs). Methods: ranking values from judging were transformed using the rankit transformation. For each breed, Pearson correlation analyses were performed between the transformed rank values of the animals obtained from judging at the show-ring and their EPD or PTA values. Results: using the complete databases, in both breeds the correlation coefficient estimates were low (<0.18) but different from zero (p<0.05). The correlation coefficient considering PTAs for milk yield in BS was slightly higher than those obtained for any EPD for growth traits in BR. Correlations in adult animals (0.18 to 0.23) were different from zero (p<0.05) and higher than those of young animals or calves, while those within males or females were similar. Correlations within years of judging in the show-ring were variable and did not indicate any specific trend. Conclusions: show-ring rank results are associated with genetic evaluation of animals, although the magnitude is low. Selection of breeding animals based on show-ring judgment could be used as a complementary tool to genetic evaluation.

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REYES-FIGUEROA, Omar, ORTIZ-GARCIA, Carlos F., TORRES-DE LA CRUZ, Magdiel, LAGUNES-ESPINOZA, Luz del C. y VALDOVINOS-PONCE, Guadalupe, 2016, Trichoderma species from the cacao agroecosystem with biocontrol potential of Moniliophthora roreri. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente. Ago. 2016. Vol. 22, no. 2, p. 149–163. DOI: 10.5154/r.rchscfa.2015.08.036.
Resumen: La monoliasis del cacao (Moniliophthora roreri) es la principal limitante parasítica de la producción de cacao (Theobroma cacao) en México. Una alternativa sostenible para el control de la enfermedad es el uso del hongo Trichoderma. El objetivo del presente estudio fue seleccionar aislamientos nativos de Trichoderma con las mejores características antagónicas y fisiológicas in vitro, para el control de M. roreri. Para ello, se caracterizaron 50 aislamientos de Trichoderma, obtenidos del agroecosistema cacao. El crecimiento micelial y la producción de conidios a 25, 30 y 35 °C se consideraron variables fisiológicas. El micoparasitismo, antibiosis y antagonismo potencial fueron las variables antagónicas. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (P = 0.0001) en todas las variables evaluadas. El intervalo de temperatura óptima para el crecimiento micelial y producción de conidios fue de 25 a 30 °C. El micoparasitismo varió de 0 a 100 % y solo los aislamientos de seis especies mostraron esta característica. La antibiosis osciló entre 6.8 y 55.5 %, y el antagonismo potencial varió de 3.4 a 69 %. Trichoderma virens (TTC017) y T. harzianum (TTC090, TTC039, TTC073) mostraron el mejor biocontrol potencial in vitro, por lo que son cepas prometedoras para futuras investigaciones sobre control biológico de la moniliasis del cacao.
Abstract: Frosty pod rot in cacao (Moniliophthora roreri) is the main limitation on the production of cacao (Theobroma cacao) in Mexico. A sustainable alternative for the control of the disease is the use of the Trichoderma mushroom. The objective of this study was to select isolates that are native to Trichoderma with the best antagonist and physiological in vitro characteristics for the control of M. roreri. For this, 50 isolates of Trichoderma obtained in the cacao agroecosystem were characterized. Mycelial growth and the production of conidia at 25, 30 and 35 degrees C were considered the physiological variables. Mycoparasitism, antibiosis and potential antagonism were the antagonist variables. Significant differences (P = 0.0001) were found in all evaluated variables. The interval of the optimal temperature for mycelial growth and the production of conidia was 25 to 30 degrees C. Mycoparasitism varied between 0 and 100 %, and only the isolates of six species showed this characteristic. Antibiosis varied between 6.8 and 55.5 % and potential antagonism varied from 3.4 to 69.0 %. Trichoderma virens (TTC017) and T. harzianum (TTC090, TTC039, TTC073) showed the best potential in vitro biocontrol, so they are promising strains for future investigations on biological control of cacao moniliasis.

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ROBLES-GUTIERREZ, Cesar A., VELAZQUEZ-MARTINEZ, Alejandro, RODRIGUEZ-TREJO, Dante A., REYES-HERNANDEZ, Valentin J. y ETCHEVERS-BARRA, Jorge D., 2016, Probability of mortality by fire damage of young Pinus hartwegii Lindl. trees in the Izta-Popo National Park. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente. Ago. 2016. Vol. 22, no. 2, p. 165–178. DOI: 10.5154/r.rchscfa.2015.08.034.
Resumen: A nivel  mundial  se  realizan  grandes  esfuerzos  para  determinar  el  efecto  del  fuego en la mortalidad de especies arbóreas como las del género Pinus. En este trabajo se evaluó la influencia del fuego en la probabilidad de mortalidad del arbolado joven de  Pinus  hartwegii  en  el  Parque  Nacional  Izta-Popo,  área  natural  protegida  del  centro  de México.  Los  efectos  de  un  incendio  de  mediana  a  alta  intensidad  ocurrido  en  marzo  del 2013, una quema prescrita de baja intensidad realizada en abril del mismo año y un área testigo sin presencia de fuego reciente se valoraron y compararon. Los resultados mostraron que 18 meses después de aplicados los tratamientos, la mortalidad del arbolado en el área con quema prescrita fue de 13 %, mientras que en el área incendiada y testigo fue de 28 y 4 %, respectivamente. Se obtuvieron seis modelos logísticos para predecir la mortalidad; el porcentaje de copa dañada, la altura de cicatriz y el diámetro normal con corteza fueron las variables significativas (P < 0.05) de predicción. Los resultados sugieren que la disminución en la capacidad fotosintética y en el transporte de nutrimentos, asociados al daño de la copa y al cámbium, están estrechamente ligados con la probabilidad de mortalidad.
Abstract: Great efforts are carried out at a global level in order to determine the effect of fire on the mortality of tree species, like the Pinus genus. This paper evaluated the influence of fire on the probability of mortality of young Pinus hartwegii trees in the Izta-Popo National Park, a protected natural area in central Mexico. The effects of a medium to high intensity fire that occurred in March 2013, a low intensity prescribed burning applied in April of the same year, and a control area without recent fire presence were evaluated and compared. The results showed that after 18 months of the applied treatments, the tree mortality in the area with prescribed burning was 13 %, whereas tree mortality in the area with fire and in the control area was 28 and 4 %, respectively. Six logistic models were obtained in order to predict mortality; the percentage of damaged canopy, scar height, and normal bark diameter were the significant predictive variables (P < 0.05). The results suggest that a decrease in the photosynthetic rate and nutrients,transport associated with damage to the canopy and cambium, are closely related to the probability of mortality.

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ROJAS-MARTINEZ, R. I., CAMACHO-TAPIA, M., ZAVALETA-MEJIA, E. y LEVY, J., 2016, First report of the presence of haplotypes a and b of Candidatus liberibacter Solanacearum in chili (Capsicum annuum l.) In the central region of Mexico. Journal of Plant Pathology. Mar. 2016. Vol. 98, no. 1, p. 111–115. DOI:  10.4454/JPP.V98I1.031.  
Resumen: Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso) is a vectorborne Gram negative bacterium, limited to the phloem of infected plants of the families Solanaceae in America and New Zealand and Apiaceae in Europe. This bacterium has genetic variants denominated as five haplotypes A, B, C, D and E in different crops and regions. In Mexico, it is reported that haplotype B is associated with potato whereas only Lso A infects chili pepper in the northern region of Mexico. Due to this pathogen’s potential to cause damage in crops of economic importance in Mexico, the objective of this study was to check whether different Lso variants could be found in chili infected by this bacterium. In 2012 and 2013, psyllids (vector) and chili (cv. Rivera) samples were collected from commercial production fields in Yurecuaro, Michoacan (central Mexico). Samples were also collected of psyllids and symptomatic potato plants in Toluca, Mexico. DNA was extracted from tissues of the plants and the psyllids with appropriate protocols. The DNA samples were tested for the presence of Lso by PCR using 16-23S rDNA primers and for Lso haplotypes using SSR (LSO-SSR-1F and LSO-SSR-1R). We found that in natural environments haplotype A occurred more frequently in chili than in potato. To our knowledge, this is the first report of haplotypes A and B from Lso associated with variegated chili in Mexico.

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ROMERO NAPOLES, Jesús, 2016, Systematics of the seed beetle genus Decellebruchus Borowiec, 1987 (Coleoptera, Bruchidae). Zookeys. 2016. No. 579, p. 59–81. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.579.7716.
Resumen: Keys to species, descriptions, synonymy, host plants, and geographical distributions are presented for the three species in the genus Decellebruchus (Borowiec 1987); of those, D. walker (Pic 1912) was the only species included at the time of the genus denomination, D. atrolineatus (Pic 1921) is transferred to this genus, and D. lunae is described as a new species. The shortest and most parsimonious phylogenetic tree for genera with pectinate antennae had a length of 33, consistency index 87, and retention index 81.

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RUEDA, Jose A., ORTEGA-JIMENEZ, Eusebio, HERNANDEZ-GARAY, Alfonso, ENRIQUEZ-QUIROZ, Javier F., GUERRERO-RODRIGUEZ, Juan D. y QUERO-CARRILLO, Adrian R., 2016, Growth, yield, fiber content and lodging resistance in eight varieties of Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach.) Morrone intended as energy crop. Biomass & Bioenergy. Mayo 2016. Vol. 88, p. 59–65. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.03.007.
Resumen: Growth, biomass yield, fiber content and lodging resistance were studied, during a six month growth period, for eight varieties of Cenchrus purpureus, intended as energy crop, in Veracruz, Mexico. Then, only yield at day 182 was assessed for two additional years. The varieties were: CT115 (CT), African Cane (AC), Taiwan (TAI), King Grass (KG), Vruckwona (VRU), Roxo (RX), OM22 (OM) and Cameroon (CAM). Local weather is warm and sub-humid, historical data for monthly average temperature and annual rainfall were 25.8 degrees C and 1142 mm, respectively. Height, diameter and light interception were measured monthly from day 65-185. At day 185, biomass yield and tiller density were measured. Number of lying tillers was counted to estimate lodging resistance. Cellulose and hemicellulose content were estimated in leaf and stem. No differences were found for dry matter yield or stem yield at day 185 in the first year. Regarding the next two years, TAI yielded above CT, OM or ROX. Average dry matter yield was higher in the second year than in the establishment cycle (38.6 vs 21.1 Mg ha(-1)), but decreased in the third year (32.2 Mg ha(-1)). In both stem and whole plant, AC and KG showed higher hemicellulose content than RX, OM or CT; while AC and VRU had higher cellulose than RX in stem, or than CT in the whole plant. Furthermore, varieties AC, KG, VRU and TAI were resistant to lodging and had a higher fiber content, so they are recommended as energetic crops. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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RUEDA-ZOZAYA, Pilar, MENDOZA-MARTINEZ, German D., MARTINEZ-GOMEZ, Daniel, MONROY-VILCHIS, Octavio, ANTONIO GODOY, Jose, SUNNY, Armando, PALOMARES, Francisco, CHAVEZ, Cuauhtemoc y HERRERA-HARO, Jose, 2016, Genetic variability and structure of jaguar (Panthera onca) in Mexican zoos. Genetica. Feb. 2016. Vol. 144, no. 1, p. 59–69. DOI: 10.1007/s10709-015-9878-6.
Genealogical records of animals (studbook) are created to avoid reproduction between closely related individuals, which could cause inbreeding, particularly for such endangered species as the Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758). Jaguar is the largest felid in the Americas and is considered an important ecological key species. In Mexico, wild jaguar populations have been significantly reduced in recent decades, and population decline typically accompany decreases in genetic variation. There is no current census of captive jaguars in Mexico, and zoos do not follow a standardized protocol in breeding programs based on genetic studies. Here, we emphasise the importance of maintaining an adequate level of genetic variation and propose the implementation of standardised studbooks for jaguars in Mexico, mainly to avoid inbreeding. In addition, achieving the aims of studbook registration would provide a population genetic characterisation that could serve as a basis for ex situ conservation programmes.

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SALAS-AGUILAR, Victor, MACEDO-CRUZ, Antonia, PAZ, Fernando, PALACIOS, Enrique, ORTIZ, Carlos y QUEVEDO, Abel, 2016, Regional Patterns of Baseflow Variability in Mexican Subwatersheds. Water. Mar. 2016. Vol. 8, no. 3. DOI: 10.3390/w8030098.
Resumen: One of the challenges faced by subwatershed hydrology is the discovery of patterns associated with climate and landscape variability with the available data. This study has three objectives: (1) to evaluate the annual recession curves; (2) to relate the recession parameter (RP) with physiographic characteristics of 21 Mexican subwatersheds in different climate regions; and (3) to formulate a Baseflow (BF) model based on a top-down approach. The RP was calibrated utilizing the largest magnitude curves. The RP was related to topographical, climate and soil variables. A non-linear model was employed to separate the baseflow which considers RP as a recharge rate. Our results show that RP increases with longitude and decreases with latitude. RP displayed a sustained non-linear behavior determined by precipitation rate and evapotranspiration ( [GRAPHICS] ) over years and subwatersheds. The model was fit to a parameter concurrent with invariance and space-time symmetry conditions. The dispersion of our model was associated with the product of ( [GRAPHICS] ) by the aquifer’s transmissivity. We put forward a generalized baseflow model, which made the discrimination of baseflow from direct flow in subwatersheds possible. The proposed model involves the recharge-storage-discharge relation and could be implemented in basins where there are no suitable ground-based data.

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SANDOVAL PEREZ, Ana Lidia, LUCIA CAMARGO-RICALDE, Sara, MANUEL MONTANO, Noe, GARCIA-OLIVA, Felipe, ALARCON, Alejandro, ADRIANA MONTANO-ARIAS, Susana and ESPERON-RODRIGUEZ, Manuel, 2016, Biocrusts, inside and outside resource islands of Mimosa luisana (Leguminosae), improve soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a tropical semiarid ecosystem. European Journal of Soil Biology. June 2016. Vol. 74, p. 93–103. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2016.03.006.
Resumen: In the semiarid Valley of Zapotitlan Salinas, Puebla, Mexico, biocrusts may be found inside Mimosa luisana Brandegee (Leguminosae)-resource islands (RI) or outside them (ORI). We studied the seasonal variation of the effect of three microenvironments: i) M. luisana-RI biocrusts (Biocrusts-RI), ii) biocrusts outside M. luisana-RI (Biocrusts-ORI), and iii) Open areas (OA), on the soil C and N dynamics. In both rainy and dry seasons, moss species richness and cover were higher at Biocrusts-RI than in Biocrusts-ORI; opposite pattern to lichens. Soil organic C, labile C, and total N were the highest at Biocrusts-RI, intermediate at Biocrusts-ORI, and lowest at OA. This agrees with high microbial C and N, and C mineralization. We suggest that C availability regulated soil N availability under both Biocrusts-RI and Biocrusts-ORI by stimulating microbial biomass and N mineralization. Biocrusts-RI and Biocrusts-ORI did not differ in soil NI-It and NO concentration, but N mineralization was higher at both microenvironments than in OA in the dry season. In contrast, in the rainy season, nitrification was higher and decreased from OA, Biocrusts-ORI to Biocrusts-RI. It supports that both Biocrusts-RI and Biocrusts-ORI may be forming “mantles of fertility”, and highlight their functional role on microbial dynamics and N transformations linked to changes in C availability, providing a hypothetical model for a better understanding of soil biology within this tropical semiarid ecosystem. (C) 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

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SANTIAGO-HERNANDEZ, Francisco, LOPEZ-ORTIZ, Silvia, AVILA-RESENDIZ, Catarino, JARILLO-RODRIGUEZ, Jesus, PEREZ-HERNANDEZ, Ponciano y DE DIOS GUERRERO-RODRIGUEZ, Juan, 2016, Physiological and production responses of four grasses from the genera Urochloa and Megathyrsus to shade from Melia azedarach L. Agroforestry Systems. Abril 2016. Vol. 90, no. 2, p. 339–349. DOI 10.1007/s10457-015-9858-y.
Resumen: This research investigated the effect of shade from Melia azedarach L. on the physiology, production, and forage quality of Megathyrsus maximus cv. Tanzania and cv. Mombaza, and the Urochloa hybrids Oaxaca and Yacar,. Evaluations were made during the rainy (August 2013) and windy (February 2014) seasons under sun and shade. Mombaza and Tanzania produced more forage biomass (4683 +/- A 4529 and 4279 +/- A 4745 kg DM ha(-1) harvest(-1); P < 0.05) than hybrids, and there was more biomass during the rainy (8236 +/- A 4257 kg DM ha(-1) harvest(-1); P < 0.0001) than the windy season, although biomass declined by 44 % (P < 0.05) under shade. Leaf crude protein was similar among grasses (P = 0.516), although Mombaza and Tanzania had higher neutral detergent (49.2 and 50.2 %, respectively; P < 0.05) and acid detergent fiber fractions (34.4 and 34.1 %, respectively; P < 0.05), making them less digestible (61.7 and 61.6 %, respectively; P < 0.05) than the hybrids. Overall, nutritional quality increased during the windy season (P < 0.05) and under shade (P < 0.05). Assimilation of CO2 was greater during the rainy season (P < 0.0001) and under sun (19.1 +/- A 8.2 vs. 8.6 +/- A 4.4 A mu mol m(-2) s(-1); P < 0.05). The most favorable conditions for biomass production occurred during the rainy season, although nutritional quality was better during the windy season. Shade affects photosynthetic rate and production, and promotes the nutritional quality of all grasses. Oaxaca and Yacar, appear to be more adapted to shade by responding with greater production stability and better forage nutritive quality.

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SAYNES-VASQUEZ, Alfredo, VIBRANS, Heike, VERGARA-SILVA, Francisco y CABALLERO, Javier, 2016, Intracultural Differences in Local Botanical Knowledge and Knowledge Loss among the Mexican Isthmus Zapotecs. Plos One. 17 Mar. 2016. Vol. 11, no. 3, p. e0151693. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151693.
Resumen: This study reports on the socio-demographic and locality factors that influence ethnobiological knowledge in three communities of Zapotec indigenous people of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. It uses local botanical nomenclature as a proxy for general ethnobiological knowledge. In each of these communities (one urban and two rural), 100 adult men were interviewed aided with a field herbarium. Fifty had a background in farming, and 50 worked in the secondary or tertiary sector as their main economic activity, totaling 300 interviews. Using a field herbarium with samples of 30 common and rare wild regional species, we documented visual recognition, knowledge of the local life form, generic and specific names and uses (five knowledge levels measuring knowledge depth). The relationship between sociodemographic variables and knowledge was analyzed with simple correlations. Differences between the three communities and the five knowledge levels were then evaluated with a discriminant analysis. A general linear analysis identified factors and covariables that influenced the observed differences. Differences between the groups with different economic activities were estimated with a t-test for independent samples. Most of the relationships found between sociodemographic variables and plant knowledge were expected: age and rurality were positively related with knowledge and years of formal schooling was negatively related. However, the somewhat less rural site had more traditional knowledge due to local circumstances. The general linear model explained 70-77% of the variation, a high value. It showed that economic activity was by far the most important factor influencing knowledge, by a factor of five. The interaction of locality and economic activity followed. The discriminant analysis assigned interviewees correctly to their localities in 94% of the cases, strengthening the evidence for intracultural variation. Both sociodemographic and historic intracultural differences heavily influence local knowledge.

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TAMAYO-MEJIA, Fernando, TAMEZ-GUERRA, Patricia, GUZMAN-FRANCO, Ariel W. y GOMEZ-FLORES, Ricardo, 2016, Developmental stage affects survival of the ectoparasitoid Tamarixia triozae exposed to the fungus Beauveria bassiana. Biological Control. Feb. 2016. Vol. 93, p. 30–36. DOI 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2015.11.006.
Resumen: Biological control of Bactericera cockerelli using a combination of parasitoids and pathogens has potential. However, their combined use could result in complex multitrophic interactions, the outcomes of which are uncertain. In this study we evaluated the effects of applications of two Beauveria bassiana isolates (pathogen) on the parasitoid Tamarixia triozae during its development on the host, B. cockerelli. Three concentrations (LC20, LC50 and LC90 values against B. cockerelli) of the fungal isolates BB40 and GHA were applied to 4th instar B. cockerelli nymphs that had been successfully parasitized by T. triozae 3, 5, 8 or 12 days earlier at 25 degrees C. The greatest infection of T. triozae was observed when the calculated LC90 was inoculated, regardless of isolate, and when the parasitoids were 3-5 days old. The lowest infection of T. triozae was observed when they were 8 and 12 days old regardless of isolate or conidial concentration. The highest parasitoid emergence was achieved in the untreated control compared with all other treatments and combinations tested. Within treatments, the highest parasitoid emergence was obtained at the lowest B. bassiana concentration tested and when the pathogen was applied to B. cockerelli supporting 12 day-old parasitoids. Longevity of adult parasitoids that had emerged from B. cockerelli nymphs was greatest in the control treatment, followed by those from nymphs treated with GHA when applied to B. cockerelli supporting 12 day-old parasitoids. In conclusion, biological control of B. cockerelli may require the synchronized use of high B. bassiana concentrations, applied only on T. triozae late pupal stage (8-2 days of development), in order to allow the parasitoid to survive and also achieve good overall pest control.

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TLAXCALA-MENDEZ, Rolando M., DE LOS SANTOS-POSADAS, Héctor M., HERNANDEZ-DE LA ROSA, Patricia y LOPEZ-AYALA, José L., 2016, VARIATION OF FORM FACTOR AND TAPER IN PROVENANCES OF SPANISH CEDAR (Cedrela odorata L.). Agrociencia. Feb. 2016. Vol. 50, no. 1, p. 89–105. URL:
Resumen: conocimiento de la geometría en los fustes de los árboles es relevante en los estudios de progenies para obtener germoplasma, debido a que los individuos mejores deben tener crecimiento adecuado y también las características mejores en la conformación del fuste. Para ello, es necesario evaluar la forma de los fustes mediante métodos analíticos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la progenie con el rendimiento mayor de aserrío considerando la forma, el ahusamiento y el volumen comercial de siete procedencias de Cedrela odorata L. establecidas en Tezonapa, Veracruz, México. Para esto, se realizaron muestreo destructivo de 211 árboles. Dos modelos de regresión lineal y no lineal se ajustaron y complementaron con pruebas de adicionalidad en los parámetros de forma y ahusamiento. Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros de forma de las progenies de Tuxtepec, Tierra Blanca y Tezonapa adoptaron forma de paraboloide, y las de María Lombardo, San Andrés Tuxtla, Costa del Golfo y Comala tendieron a la conicidad. Todas las progenies fueron estadísticamente diferentes en parámetros de ahusamiento, lo cual se atribuyó a la interacción genotipo-ambiente y a la invasión del barrenador Hypsipyla grandella Zeller. Además, los parámetros de forma se evaluaron en tres sistemas compatibles de ahusamiento y volumen, mediante el ajuste con estimación SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions). La fuente geográfica de Tuxtepec presentó conicidad menor por su fustes geométricamente más cercanos al paraboloide (factor de forma, ff=0.45), por lo cual podría ser la línea principal para acopio de germoplasma y producción local.
Abstract: Knowledge of tree stem geometry is relevant for progeny studies aiming to obtain germplasm since the best individuals should have adequate growth and the best characteristics of stem formation. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate stem form with analytical methods. The objective of this study was to identify the progeny with the highest milling yield, considering form factor, taper variation and commercial volume of seven provenances of Cedrela odorata L. established in Tezonapa, Veracruz, Mexico. To this end, destructive sampling of 211 trees was carried out. Two linear regression and two non-linear regression models were fit and complemented with tests of additionality in the parameters form and taper. The results showed that the form parameters of the progenies from Tuxtepec, Tierra Blanca and Tezonapa adopted a paraboloid shape, and those from Maria Lombardo, San Andres Tuxtla, Costa del Golfo and Comala tended to be conical. All the progenies were statistically different in taper parameters, which is attributed to the interaction genotype-environment and to infestation by the borer Hypsipyla grandella Zeller. Moreover, form parameters were evaluated in three compatible form and taper systems fitted with SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions) estimation. The geographical source of Tuxtepec was less conical because the stems were geometrically closer to a paraboloid (form factor, ff=0.45). Therefore, Tuxtepec could be the main line of germplasm collection for local production.

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TOLEDO-AGUILAR, Rocio, LOPEZ-SANCHEZ, Higinio, SANTACRUZ-VARELA, Amalio, VALADEZ-MOCTEZUMA, Ernestina, LOPEZ, Pedro A., AGUILAR-RINCON, Victor H., GONZALEZ-HERNANDEZ, Victor A. y VAQUERA-HUERTA, Humberto, 2016, Characterization of genetic diversity of native “Ancho” chili populations of Mexico using microsatellite markers. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. Mar. 2016. Vol. 76, no. 1, p. 18–26. DOI 10.4067/S0718-58392016000100003.
Resumen:  “Ancho” type chilis (Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum) are an important ingredient in the traditional cuisine of Mexico and so are in high demand. It includes six native sub-types with morphological and fruit color differences. However, the genetic diversity of the set of these sub-types has not been determined. The objective of this study was to characterize the genetic diversity of native Mexican ancho chili populations using microsatellites and to determine the relationship among these populations. Twenty-four microsatellite loci were used to analyze 38 native populations of “Ancho” chilis collected in seven states of Mexico; three populations different from the ancho type (’Piquin’, “Guajillo”, and “Chilaca”) and three hybrids (Capulin, Abedul, and green pepper) were included as controls. The number of alleles per locus, number and percentage of polymorphic loci, polymorphic information content (PIC), expected heterozygosity, and Wright F statistics were obtained. Moreover, an analysis of principal components and a cluster analysis were carried out. We detected 220 alleles, with an average of 9.2 alleles per locus; PIC varied between 0.07 and 1, and expected heterozygosity was between 0.36 and 0.59. Also we identified 59 unique alleles and eight alleles common to all of the populations. The F statistics revealed broad genetic differentiation among populations. Both the analysis of principal components and the cluster analysis were able to separate the populations by origin (southern, central, and northern Mexico). The broad genetic diversity detected in the native ancho chili populations of Mexico was found in greater proportion within the populations than between populations.

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TOVAR-PEDRAZA, J. M., LEYVA-MIR, S. G., CAMACHO-TAPIA, M., NIETO-LOPEZ, E. H., AYALA-ESCOBAR, V. y GARCIA-LEON, E., 2016, First Report of Powdery Mildew Caused by Erysiphe heraclei on Hedera helix in Mexico. Plant Disease. Abril 2016. Vol. 100, no. 4, p. 859–859. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-15-1030-PDN.  

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TOVAR-PEDRAZA, J. M., LEYVA-MIR, S. G., NIETO-LOPEZ, E. H., NAVA-DIAZ, C., GOODWIN, P. H. y ROSAS-SAITO, G. H., 2016, First Report of Powdery Mildew Caused by Erysiphe heraclei on Ammi majus in Mexico. Plant Disease. Mar. 2016. Vol. 100, no. 3, p. 647–647. DOI 10.1094/PDIS-06-15-0716-PDN.

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VALADEZ-BUSTOS, Ma. Guadalupe, AGUADO-SANTACRUZ, ARMANDO, Gerardo, TIESSEN-FAVIER, Axel, ROBLEDO-PAZ, Alejandrina, MUNOZ-OROZCO, Abel, RASCON-CRUZ, Quintin y SANTACRUZ-VARELA, Amalio, 2016, A reliable method for spectrophotometric determination of glycine betaine in cell suspension and other systems. Analytical Biochemistry. 1 Abril 2016. Vol. 498, p. 47–52. DOI 10.1016/j.ab.2015.12.015.
Resumen: Glycine betaine is a quaternary ammonium compound that accumulates in a large variety of species in response to different types of stress. Glycine betaine counteracts adverse effects caused by abiotic factors, preventing the denaturation and inactivation of proteins. Thus, its determination is important, particularly for scientists focused on relating structural, biochemical, physiological, and/or molecular responses to plant water status. In the current work, we optimized the periodide technique for the determination of glycine betaine levels. This modification permitted large numbers of samples taken from a chlorophyllic cell line of the grass Bouteloua gracilis to be analyzed. Growth kinetics were assessed using the chlorophyllic suspension to determine glycine betaine levels in control (no stress) cells and cells osmotically stressed with 14 or 21% polyethylene glycol 8000. After glycine extraction, different wavelengths and reading times were evaluated in a spectrophotometer to determine the optimal quantification conditions for this osmolyte. Optimal results were obtained when readings were taken at a wavelength of 290 nm at 48 h after dissolving glycine betaine crystals in dichloroethane. We expect this modification to provide a simple, rapid, reliable, and cheap method for glycine betaine determination in plant samples and cell suspension cultures. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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VASQUEZ, Yasmit, TARANGO, Luis, LOPEZ-PEREZ, Elvia, HERRERA, Jose, MENDOZA, German y MANDUJANO, Salvador, 2016, Variation in the diet composition of the white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the Tehuacan-Cuicatlan Biosphere Reserve. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales Y Del Ambiente. Abril 2016. Vol. 22, no. 1, p. 87–98. DOI 10.5154/r.rchscfa.2015.04.012.
Resumen: The objective of this study was to determine the variation in the botanical composition of the diet of white tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus in the Tehuacan-Cuicatlan Biosphere Reserve (RBTC) in Mexico. The species consumed were identified through the microhistological analysis of the epidermis in fresh excreta. The sampling was done in the humid and dry seasons of 2011 to 2013 in San Gabriel Casa Blanca dominated by the tropical dry forest (TDF) and crasicaule shrubland, and in San Pedro Chicozapotes dominated by TDF; both locations in the state of Oaxaca. The annual diet consisted of 83 species from 36 families; 13 species represented more than 50 % of the diet. The tender leaves and stems of tree and herbal species were the most frequently consumed. The composition of the diet did not differ (P>0.05) between yearly seasons, but they did differ between study locations. The plant compositions consumed by the deer was similar to what was reported in other TDF. The results of this study help us understand the ecological strategies of foraging of the herbivores in the TDF, and could have certain relevance in the management units for wildlife conservation (UMAs) in the RBTC and in neighboring areas.

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VELASCO-BAUTISTA, Efrain, DE LOS SANTOS-POSADAS, Hector, RAMIREZ-MALDONADO, Hugo y RENDON-SANCHEZ, Gilberto, 2016, Comparison of wood volume estimators in medium height tropical forests. Agrociencia. Feb. 2016. Vol. 50, no. 1, p. 119–132. URL:
Resumen: En México, el proyecto Inventario Nacional Forestal y de Suelos (INFyS) utiliza para el análisis estadístico de los datos dasométricos estimadores de razón cuya aplicación es fácil. Sin embargo, en circunstancias diversas podría ser imposible obtener datos que cumplan por completo con sus supuestos teóricos. En este estudio se compararon los resultados del estimador de razón del INFyS con estimadores alternativos. Con datos del 2010 provenientes de la malla de muestreo obtenida en selva mediana subperennifolia y subcaducifolia en Quintana Roo y Campeche, México, se compararon estadísticamente los estimadores: razón de medias, medias de razones e Inventario Forestal y Análisis (FIA-USDA). El sesgo relativo del estimador de razón (sesgo respecto al error estándar) en todos los casos fue menor a 10 %; por tanto se consideró insignificante. En las condiciones estudiadas, los resultados indican que los tres estimadores no son estadísticamente diferentes. Sin embargo, el estimador medias de razón presenta la ventaja de proporcionar estimaciones por hectárea de manera directa. Además, su planteamiento teórico permite analizarlo desde una perspectiva del estimador Horvitz-Thompson.
Abstract: In Mexico, the project National Forest and Soil Inventory (Inventario Nacional Forestal y de Suelos-NFyS) uses ratio estimators that are easily applicable for statistical analysis of dasometric data. However, under diverse circumstances, it may be impossible to obtain data that fully comply with their theoretical assumptions. In this study, the results of the INFyS ratio estimator are compared with results using alternative estimators. With 2010 data from the sampling grid obtained in the medium height sub-evergreen and sub deciduous forests of Quintana Roo and Campeche, Mexico, the ratio of means estimator, mean of ratios estimator and the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA-USDA) were compared statistically. The relative bias of the ratio estimator (bias, relative to the standard error) in all cases was below 10 % and, therefore, considered insignificant. Under the conditions of this study, the results indicate that the three estimators are not statistically different. However, the mean of ratios estimator has the advantage of directly providing estimations per hectare. Moreover, its theoretical approach permits its analysis from a perspective of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator.

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VERA-GRAZIANO, Jorge and CRUZ-IZQUIERDO, Serafin, 2016, Insect population parameters of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say.) in grains of five cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Agrociencia. May 2016. Vol. 50, no. 3, p. 347–353. URL:
Resumen: Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) es un insecto fitófago que consume granos de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en condiciones de almacenamiento, principalmente en regiones de clima templado, por lo que es necesario conocer los parámetros poblacionales de este coleóptero que permitan pronosticar poblaciones e identificar frijoles resistentes. Los parámetros poblacionales se estimaron con la técnica de tablas de vida de cohorte, la prueba Logrank (p0.05) y las tasas de reproducción e intervalos de confianza con la técnica no paramétrica de Traslape de Intervalos (p0.09), para comparar tasas instantáneas de reproducción (rm), llamada también capacidad innata de incremento. Estos parámetros se estimaron en los cultivares Blanco Tabasco, Flor de Mayo, Pinto Durango, Rayado Rojo y Línea Elite No. 4, todos resistentes a dos tipos de roya ocasionada por Uromyces phaseoli var. typica y U. appendiculatus. Los parámetros poblacionales fueron mayores en la emergencia de los adultos, esperanza media de vida y tasas de reproducción del gorgojo en Rayado Rojo y Línea Elite No. 4.
Abstract: Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) is a phytophagous insect that feeds on beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) during storage, principally in temperate climate regions. For this reason, it is necessary to determine population parameters of this coleopteran that would permit prognosis of populations and identification of resistant beans. Population parameters were estimated with the cohort life table technique, the Logrank test (p <= 0.05) and reproductive rates, and confidence intervals with the non-parametric technique Overlapping Intervals (p <= 0.09) to compare instantaneous rate of population growth (rm), also called innate increment capacity. These parameters were estimated in the bean cultivars Blanco Tabasco, Flor de Mayo, Pinto Durango, Rayado Rojo and Linea Elite No. 4, all resistant to two types of rust caused by Uromyces phaseoli var. typica and U. appendiculatus. Weevil population parameters were higher for adult emergence, mean life expectancy and reproductive rates in the cultivars Rayado Rojo and Linea Elite No. 4.

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VILLAR-LUNA, E., GOMEZ-RODRIGUEZ, O., ROJAS-MARTINEZ, R. I. y ZAVALETA-MEJIA, E., 2016, Presence of Meloidogyne enterolobii on Jalapeno pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Sinaloa, Mexico. Helminthologia. Jun. 2016. Vol. 53, no. 2, p. 155–160. DOI 10.1515/helmin-2016-0001.
Resumen: Meloidogyne enterolobii (Me) is an emerging root-knot nematode (RKN) and the most important worldwide for its high aggressiveness and increasing geographical distribution. In Mexico only in watermelon and tomato has been reported. Here we report the presence of this nematode in Jalapeno pepper collected in the state of Sinaloa. The morphological and morphometric characteristics of the second-stage juveniles and adult females were similar to those described for Me. DNA sequencing and alignment analysis (BLAST/GenBank) showed that the SCAR and rDNA IGS2 fragments had a 99 % of identity, with Me DNA sequences present in the database. The results obtained indicate that the RKN detected corresponds to M. enterolobii. To our knowledge, this is the first report of this nematode in chilli pepper in this region of Mexico, considered of major economic importance for the variety of vegetables grown and the extension of the area sown.

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YEPEZ-HERNANDEZ, Francisco-Javier, FERRERA-CERRATO, Ronald, ALARCON, Alejandro, DELGADILLO-MARTINEZ, Julian, REMEDIOS MENDOZA-LOPEZ, Ma y GARCIA-BARRADAS, Oscar, 2016, Nitrogen fertilization effects on growth, phenolic compounds content, and antioxidant activity of basil. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana. Mar. 2016. Vol. 39, no. 1, p. 33–40. URL:
Resumen: Este trabajo evaluó el efecto de seis concentraciones de nitrógeno (N) (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 75 y 100 %) en el crecimiento y respuestas fisiológicas de albahaca (Ocimum basilicum L.) cultivada en condiciones de invernadero. Las concentraciones de N fueron aplicadas con la solución nutritiva Long-Ashton que contiene 160.25 μg N mL-1 (100 % N). A los 120 d, se evaluó la altura del tallo (ALT), longitud de raíz (LR), número de hojas (NH), peso seco total (Pstot), área foliar (AF), contenido de compuestos fenólicos solubles totales (CFT), y la actividad antioxidante total (AOX) en hojas. No se observaron diferencias significativas por efecto de la concentración de N en ALT, LR, NH, Pstot y CFT. La aplicación de 100 % N produjo el valor más bajo (424.8 μg g-1) de CFT en comparación con el control (0 % N) que obtuvo 826.9 μg g-1. AF y AOX presentaron diferencias significativas (α = 0.05); las plantas con 75 % N mostraron mayor AF (538 cm2) con respecto al control (297 cm2). La mayor AOX se obtuvo en el tratamiento sin N (5.9 mM g-1), y la menor con 100 % N (3.1 mM g-1). La deficiencia de N no afectó el crecimiento vegetal, pero aumentó el CFT y la AOX, lo que conviene considerar para mejorar sus propiedades nutraceúticas.
Abstract: This study evaluated the effects of six nitrogen concentrations (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 %) on growth and physiological responses of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under greenhouse conditions. Nitrogen concentrations were supplied via the Long Aston nutrient solution that contains 160.25 mu g N mL(-1) at 100 % N. After 120 d, plant height (H), root length (RL), number of leaves (NL), total dry weight (TDW), leaf area (LA), content of total soluble phenolic compounds (TSPC) and total antioxidant activity (TAOX) in leaves were determined. No significant differences were observed on H, RL, NL, TDW and TSPC as a response to varied N concentrations. Application of 100 % N resulted in lower TSPC (424.8 mu g g(-1)) than the control (0 % N) with 826.9 mu g g(-1). LA and TAOX showed significant differences (alpha=0.05); plants with 75 % N had higher LA (538.67 cm(2)) than the control (296.94 cm(2)). The greatest TAOX was achieved in control plants (5.9 mM g(-1)), whereas the lowest value was obtained with 100 % N (3.1 mM g(-1)). N-deficiency did not affect plant growth, but enhanced both TSPC and TAOX. The latter must be taken into account to keep the nutraceutical properties of this plant species.

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